October 14, 2011

Osho Meditation Resort

Noah’s Ark Of Consciousness

if you fly to the town of Poona, India, just 100 kilometers from the labyrinth city of Mumbai (Bombay), you will encounter the most striking examples of this. Nestled in the town that gave Tantra one of its greatest ancient centers, the birthplace of one of India’s most significant twentieth-century mystics, Meher Baba, is the Ashram (spiritual campus) that used to be known as Osho Commune International and currently goes by the name Osho Meditation Resort. There you will find the disciples of the late Osho carrying on their master’s vision of providing a Club Meditation for the creation of the new humanity. It is a sixty-eight-acre resort of luscious gardens, black granite and marble buildings and pyramids, a strange contrast to the surrounding squalor of a bustling Third World city.

Noah’s Ark Of Consciousness

There you will find the disciples of the late Osho carrying on their master’s vision of providing a Club Meditation for the creation of the new humanity.

Noah’s Ark Of Consciousness

the Poona Ashram offered me a taste of life at the frontiers of the Human Potential Movement.

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