October 5, 2011

Don’t Francis Fukuyama-up again!

The 99 Percent, Occupy Wall Street Protest Predictions

Now for something more radical than Left and Right wing extremism. This initially rag-tag collection of people of differing generational and political backgrounds do seek a common ground.

The 99 Percent, Occupy Wall Street Protest Predictions

In truth, they neither need nor protect your labor laws, your clean air and water laws — many of which are set to quietly run out and vanish by the end of 2012. They hope you’re not watching them do it. The corporate media distracts your attention from them doing it. You the people give the corporate media permission to use your airwaves. You can threaten to pull the plug on them if in the name of journalism they overlook the steady usurpation of your rights and freedoms.

The 99 Percent, Occupy Wall Street Protest Predictions

Watch well, you aristocratic gentry of the 21st century. History has a bad habit of repeating itself. The costumes and social façades may change, but the essence of history does not. Think Russia, you wealthy folk. Think of what happens when one percent holds two thirds of the wealth of a nation, demanding the rest suffer further impoverishing sacrifices that the boyars of billions of hoarded bucks do not, a lion’s, share

The 99 Percent, Occupy Wall Street Protest Predictions

America is at a critical crossroads this autumn of 2011. We are less than a decade away from our own version of a Nazi Brown or Bolshevik Red Revolution, if polarization of the political dialogue deepens whilst leadership strays. I

The 99 Percent, Occupy Wall Street Protest Predictions

Second American Revolution coming as soon as the 2020s.

The 99 Percent, Occupy Wall Street Protest Predictions

, I must admit that my efforts run against a prophetic collective momentum presaging a revolution and or civil conflict far bloodier than any experienced in US history so far.

The 99 Percent, Occupy Wall Street Protest Predictions

scathing oracular attack

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