1111 4444 364fedx 55kbm
lots of 5's 55's
culminated in the top line
meaning fairly self explanatory - we shall see - still tweaking
In the spirit of service to others this blog aims to shed light on valuable spiritual resources that we will all require as we pass into and thru the personal, global, and universal spiritual opportunity represented by 2012 - Rather than Tracking 2012 by its disasters, Instead I shall endeavor to track it by our spiritual progress
1111 4444 364fedx 55kbm
lots of 5's 55's
culminated in the top line
meaning fairly self explanatory - we shall see - still tweaking
A Call to the Order of Melchizedek The new field matrix that has been set up by the dedicated light-weavers on this planet is pulsing at its portals with unprecedented potential for change, but access to these portals can only be activated by those with the “keys to the universe”. These key codes are embedded in the DNA of the new-human matrix and, by their very existence, unlock the codes required for the next level of our planetary ascension. Those who will be opening these portals are those who have completed their first level missions of service, and are preparing to receive new directives. These directives will be released thru the activation of what the PHC refer to as The Source Code in our DNA, which apparently is T H E entry code required to access and enable our full multidimensional participation with the crystalline grid which includes our new-earth mission or “next level of divine service” on this planet. “What we would like to make clear is the fact that those who are activating to this level of service are those who will employ the missions required to prepare humanity to ascend into multidimensional consciousness. This means that each of you who are encoded with the new-human prototype will be embarking upon a new journey together as a soul group of cosmic initiates thru the Order of Melchizedek. This Order is of the highest… a soul collective here on earth at this time with a mission to awaken the codes within humanity for the resurrection of the christed-template and the template of sacred co-creation. For those who have contracted to serve in this way, it is by the Order of Melchizedek that you will be now be called forth and under your new-level directive.” -PHC For all those who find resonance with this information and/or the Order of Melchizedek, it will be you who seeds humanity with the cosmic intelligence required to make the shift into 2012. “We are in awe of your dedication and resolute ability to stand in personal integrity and honor as human-galactic overseers of this planetary body. Hold your heads high, for you are about to step into the most supreme form of embodied existence. We watch from our headquarters as you take the final steps into greatness, your true galactic heritage and home of the stars.” -PHC
On Becoming Multidimensional We are soon to experience life as multidimensional beings, which the PHC say is one of exquisite undertaking…a way of living life through the perception of simultaneous realization & with the ability to focus through the incorporation of many dimensions of awareness…at once. This is not something that we have context for, so the Pleiadians would like to offer..to the best of their ability…a small frame of reference for those who will be entering this new landscape. “You are the first group of souls who will be utilizing your full human potential and christed-monadic capabilities. This means that those of you who are entering leadership, or earth stewardship roles, are those of you who have undergone a full 12 strand DNA activation and have enabled the extensions of your over-soul to do the same. This is the beginning of the new multidimensional human race, the seeding that will begin the long evolutionary journey home for humanity.” – PHC Unfortunately, my work is always a little ahead of me so I don’t have a complete understanding of what all that means yet, but what I do get is that those who resonate with this truth…that is to say, those who feel this to be true…will embed this reality within the matrix of man, thereby allowing the distortions of our human genetics to be returned to its original design. This, they say, is what biological ascension assures us, the propagation of a new-human race and apparently there are many of us here to exploit this divine opportunity. For those who are called into guardianship, stewardship or leadership roles, the 11-11-11 gateway is offering us the ability to not only anchor into multidimensionality, but to open the doorway to the christed heart within… that which commands usage of the sacred adamantine particle (the base-level particles that create all physical manifestations of LOVE). This opening will prepare us to utilize the laws of magnetic resonance…the universal design for creation in the new earth.
On Becoming Multidimensional We are soon to experience life as multidimensional beings, which the PHC say is one of exquisite undertaking…a way of living life through the perception of simultaneous realization & with the ability to focus through the incorporation of many dimensions of awareness…at once. This is not something that we have context for, so the Pleiadians would like to offer..to the best of their ability…a small frame of reference for those who will be entering this new landscape. “You are the first group of souls who will be utilizing your full human potential and christed-monadic capabilities. This means that those of you who are entering leadership, or earth stewardship roles, are those of you who have undergone a full 12 strand DNA activation and have enabled the extensions of your over-soul to do the same. This is the beginning of the new multidimensional human race, the seeding that will begin the long evolutionary journey home for humanity.” – PHC Unfortunately, my work is always a little ahead of me so I don’t have a complete understanding of what all that means yet, but what I do get is that those who resonate with this truth…that is to say, those who feel this to be true…will embed this reality within the matrix of man, thereby allowing the distortions of our human genetics to be returned to its original design. This, they say, is what biological ascension assures us, the propagation of a new-human race and apparently there are many of us here to exploit this divine opportunity. For those who are called into guardianship, stewardship or leadership roles, the 11-11-11 gateway is offering us the ability to not only anchor into multidimensionality, but to open the doorway to the christed heart within… that which commands usage of the sacred adamantine particle (the base-level particles that create all physical manifestations of LOVE). This opening will prepare us to utilize the laws of magnetic resonance…the universal design for creation in the new earth.
On Becoming Self-Contained The PHC are talking a lot about our recent release from our final and deepest karmic patterns and that we are already beginning to witness this in the way that we are no longer bound by the emotional strings of attachment to others, to places, or to events that once defined or confined us. We are now able and ready to live our lives according to the principle of the ONE. This means that we have integrated the mental & emotional understanding of what it means to be freed from the repetitive cycles of the karmic wheel and reconnected to our true Source of power within. We are beginning to witness this freedom in ourselves and in our personal relationships where we are refacing old issues, old wounds that once crippled us, but now these same situations feel empowering…empowering in the sense that we are able to see the value in these dynamics, to feel a sense of appreciation for their teachings, and to honor those lessons of growth that are truly ours, while releasing all feelings of responsibility to that which is NOT ours. We are becoming self-contained, self-responsible beings of mastery and those emotional entanglements which have been projected onto us by others are now VERY clear, which means they can be severed. This also means that once we have unhooked ourselves from these remaining cords of attachment, we will begin to live from the space of true independence, self-sustainability, and freedom, which will enable us to know our authentic selves in ways we never have. “This time in your life is one that will astound you…you will find strengths, and gifts, and talents emerge that you never knew existed. In some cases, you will come to know yourself in a way that elicits a sense of self-love and respect that you thought was only possible to see or feel in others. Though in truth, we say this…that those things that you have so respected in others were really only self-reflections of those unintegrated aspects of YOU…until now that is.”-PHC The unseens bring this information to us so that we can feel the connection to the fact that we are no longer bound by the trappings of untruth, of illusion, or the polar opposite of that which they call, self-aggrandizement….for our new reality will be that we are much, much more than we ever realized, and the gifts of remembering this have been well-earned. They also mention that as we unveil the truth about our true capabilities as masters of the material world, so too do we unveil these truths for others…which is, in part, the purpose of becoming a christed avatar on earth…to share our radiance with all who beckon, to teach by example and to bestow upon others the universal love that flows within our body and cells. “Moreover, we are proud to be part of, and witness to, the unfolding of the most momentous “time” in history. We are representatives of your galactic origin and so we too have much invested in your BEcoming. Through this gateway, you are centering yourselves in universal abundance and grace and this means that each of you who don robes of honor are becoming a universe unto yourselves. We know that this may seem out of reach to you now, but know this: as the sun shines forth on the last day of the last day, a sincerely new day dawns.” – PHC
the integrated understanding that every cell has intelligence.
the Skulls generate an energy field that activates human consciousness in a way that expands our perceptions of reality. Ultimately they are the manifestation of Spirit in a form that is now helping to shift the magnetic frequency of Mother Earth. When the Spirits of the Skulls are ceremonially awakened, ancient wisdom, wisdom that has been preserved in a crystalline matrix for eons, enters the unified field and fills the collective consciousness with all the knowledge of everything that has happened on the planet in the last 26,000 years, and perhaps beyond.” To think that all that sacred energy is coalescing less than 60 miles from me is pretty trippy…so much that if I tune into it, it rattles every cell in my body with a visceral excitement that I can hardly contain
For those who are called into guardianship, stewardship or leadership roles, the 11-11-11 gateway is offering us the ability to not only anchor into multidimensionality, but to open the doorway to the christed heart within… The new field matrix that has been set up by the dedicated light-weavers on this planet is pulsing at its portals with unprecedented potential for change, but access to these portals can only be activated by those with the “keys to the universe”.
…we are no longer bound by the emotional strings of attachment to others, to places, or to events that once defined or confined us. We are now able and ready to live our lives according to the principle of the ONE.
…the Pleiadians say it will take about 2 weeks to integrate more clarity about what this means for those way-showers who are about to step fully into their divine roles and purposes in the “active duty” phase
…we are still needing to nurture ourselves and to remain centered in our heart-space while we continue to allow the full birth of our multidimensional selves to take form.
Denise Le Fay, 10-27-11…”Starseed Troop Withdrawals”… (say, WHAT???) | Kauilapele's Blog
I’ve hinted for months that on the other side of 11-11-11 we’ll begin to know more about what’s coming next for us individually. Until then however, it’s hard for many of us to even imagine this major shift into the next phase and so, our near future may now seem blacked-out to our current awareness. But trust that you will soon perceive and know it.”
Denise Le Fay, 10-27-11…”Starseed Troop Withdrawals”… (say, WHAT???) | Kauilapele's Blog
Relax because there’s plenty of time to know what you want to do next and where. Remain in one’s ascended physical body on the New Ascended 5D Earth and perceive more soon about one’s options and decide at that point what you want to do next and where. Remain in one’s ascended physical body on the New Ascended 5D Earth and have a Rest and Recuperation period somewhere to heal the Ascension Process wounds and exhaustion if needed. Leave the New Ascended 5D Earth and have that nice Rest and Recuperation some place else of your choosing. Remain in one’s ascended physical body on the New Ascended 5D Earth as a Master and Teacher to the newly ascended humanity. Go back Home to whatever dimension and location that is for each of us and become the New non-physical, Inner Plane Guides, Assistants, Masters, Teachers etc. to the 5D humans living on the New Ascended 5D Earth. Some of us will choose to be the New non-physical Guides etherically whispering in some people’s ears and hearts like your old Guides did for you before the Ascension Process began. Go back Home, wherever that is for the many Starseeds, and just rest there for however long one desires. Go back Home to our particular Home stations and report what we’ve learned while in physicality on Earth to the others that remained when we Volunteered to come to 3D Earth and embody the Ascension Process. The knowledge/Light we’ve gained by our Volunteering to incarnating into such density, duality, negativity, darkness and chaos in physicality is tremendously valuable information that Source and all others will use to create new worlds and realities in other locations and so very much more. Go back Home, wherever that is for you, and just sit n’ grin n’ rest and be very happy about it all for a good long while! Go back Home and rest and recuperate for a while then fairly quickly go back out on your next Mission. All of the above and more.
Denise Le Fay, 10-27-11…”Starseed Troop Withdrawals”… (say, WHAT???) | Kauilapele's Blog
brutal and dangerous transmuting and integrating we’ve done. Well done everyone, now lets walk across the 11-11-11 threshold and embody much more of the New Blueprints for humanity, Earth, and Home.
Kauilapele's Blog | Today's energies from Hawai'i…
Create the energy of love and hope wherever you go. You are the special ones, bringing about the change. Love will be the only ‘weapon’ used. Love is all that is needed. Love is everything. My dear, you feel the pain and distress of others. You find this time difficult. I have explained that once the soul leaves the body, it has no recollection of the suffering. It is reunited with its ancestors. The killing will stop. We have work to do, you and I. We will complete it !
Kauilapele's Blog | Today's energies from Hawai'i…
On the earthly plane, you are on different levels of consciousness. Some have a deep connection to what is happening. Others are as empty as shells, with no visible sign of light. They are the ones that are used by the Dark Cabal to carry out their orders. They recognise their own, just as you do. You see the light in others, you feel comfortable and at home with them. You and I, recognised each other when we met, just as you do today with the Light Beings around you. The Dark Ones come in all guises. Do not allow yourselves to be fooled by them. They will appear on the surface to be okay, but soon reveal their true selves. They have no hiding place. They cannot survive in truth and love.
Kauilapele's Blog | Today's energies from Hawai'i…
I know that these are difficult times to be on Earth. But it is important that you come together and support each other. You know in your soul that the light will extinguish the dark; then it is up to you to bring forward the young who are already equipped to live in the New Energy. You will act as guardians, ensuring that they understand their roles in the New World of peace and love. Your world will return to the religion of love that thrived in ancient Ireland. It was brutally removed by the Vatican. It is exciting, my dear, how Ireland is gradually giving up its secrets in this time of revelation.
Kauilapele's Blog | Today's energies from Hawai'i…
Ask yourself if you are able to live and work in the Light at all times, and can you look at another soul and only see the best in them. Treating others as your equal and acknowledging the Oneness of All Life. If you can, have no fears as to whether have lifted up your level of consciousness, as it would be quite apparent that you have. Finding your true self is most satisfying and enables you to live in the midst of the lower vibrations with ease and without being affected by them. Indeed, your very presence has the effect of transmuting such energies. You and thousands upon thousands like you, are giving of yourselves in service in this way. A kind word or just a smile can lift up another person for quite a long time. That is the power you carry often without realizing the potential you have for doing good.
”Banks must bite the bullet and take some big hits in their Greek loans. … Whether banks accept this ‘solution’ voluntarily or not, it will mean Greece is in default.”
Global investors know “if one major Western government can default, so can others.” They will refuse to lend “to highly indebted governments” or “demand outrageously high yields.”
Some of the “largest banks will collapse under the weight of defaulting sovereign debts and … mass withdrawals … Spain … French banks” … the impact will ripple across “J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup … All three are in danger.”
”France and Germany, will scramble to rescue their failing banks.” But “bank bailouts are seriously flawed” as “governments gut their own fiscal balance … suffer big downgrades,” or pay “far higher interest rates.”
With “$3.4 trillion in debt, or about 10 times more than Greece” they too risk default.
Anticipating “default by a country as large as Spain or Italy, nearly all debt markets in the world will freeze.” Withdrawals, panic “not only crush the borrowing power of the PIIGS” but threaten meltdowns in “France, Germany, Japan, the U.K. and the U.S.”
Government defaults trigger more bank failures, “cut off the flow of credit to businesses and households, sink the global economy into a depression, and perpetuate the vicious cycle.”
Listen closely: Weiss final warning to all investors: “Get all or most of your money out of danger immediately … above all, stay safe!” Prepare for the coming bank collapse. And discover how this historic scenario will empower the Occupiers message to get money out of elections: “One citizen. One dollar. One vote.”
Compromise on that principle and Wall Street wins, again.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/21/2011 09:07 -0400
The USD just dumped across all major pairs after the recent support in the USDJPY at 76.65 was just broken, leading to a huge plunge first in the Dollar-Yen, to a fresh post WW2 lowm and then in all other pairs. It is unclear what is driving this: probably some combination of QE3 expectations and technical trading now that the bottom has been taken out. The signal is irrelevant: it all originates at the central banks these days anyway. Expect imminent chatter of BOJ intervention to protect its exporters.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/21/2011 09:21 -0400
Curious what the talking heads will be discussing all weekend parallel to the joke that is the European Summit #1, not to be confused with summit #666? Here is the answer, courtesy of the FT Deutschland, where not too subtly, right next to a lede saying "the Euro rescue has turned into a farce", the publication has for the first time, set its price not in zEURo.qq but in Paul Tudor Jones' favorite currency: the Deutsche Mark, or 4.11 DM to be precise. And courtesy of the FTD, we now know the When Issued exchange rate for the EURDEM is: 1.95, the same as was locked at the EUR inception. Said otherwise, stick a fork in the euro, it's done.
Spiritual Meaning of 555 — Intuitive Journal.com
The Energy of 555 The energy of 555 sweeps and flows like the tides of the universe. It is the ever constant change that prepares us for the next new thing. You are seeing the repeating number 555 as a way to remember what you were put on this earth to do. You are all healers of one type or another. You are needed to usher in the new wave of energies. Seeing 555 is point of remembrance of this change.
Forget Greece, EUROPE is Finished | ZeroHedge
Debt to GDP ratios north of 200%... banks needing 147 billion Euros in new capital… and somehow Germany is going to bailout Europe? Give me a break. German has its own fiscal disaster approaching. Not to mention the following:
1) Over half of Germans want out of the Euro
2) 75% of Germans are against increasing the bailout fund.
[ 11:11 Progress List ] -- Machiventa Melchizedek -- Former Rebellious Planets
“For your world, I note that those who are contacted by the 1,111 are largely meant to become healers in some many varied ways, because there is so much healing to be done on the planet. As you will notice, most will go that way, most will be encouraged to go in that direction, and most will be trained by us in that fashion, in that field. You do not need thousands of receivers of celestial teachings. It is entirely up to you and your co-workers as to how far you will distribute the words of my Teachers, the words of your Sovereign and my words
“It is the intent of the universal Director that you, as the keepers of your world, help yourselves and others in these spiritual schools of learning. We merely stand by to teach, encourage, and assist only where sparingly allowed.
Kauilapele's Blog | Today's energies from Hawai'i…
…keep a watchful eye on events in your media as to the treatment of the multiple sightings that are occurring across your world. There is a subtle shift in the way this news is presented.
Some Words Of Advice From Kyle Bass | ZeroHedge
“But even if you’re right, what can any normal person do about it?” He stared at me as if he’d just seen an interesting sight: the world’s stupidest man. “What do you tell your mother when she asks you where to put her money?” I asked. “Guns and gold,” he said simply. “Guns and gold,” I said. So he was nuts. But not gold futures,” he said, paying no attention to my thoughts. "You need physical gold.” He explained that when the next crisis struck, the gold futures market was likely to seize up, as there were more outstanding futures contracts than available gold. People who thought they owned gold would find they owned pieces of paper instead. He opened his desk drawer, hauled out a giant gold brick, and dropped it on the desk. “We’ve bought a lot of this stuff.” At this point, I was giggling nervously and glancing toward the door
Iran Terror Plot, Occupy Wall Street and a Canary Island Volcano
I consulted my oracle about El Hierro. In the worst case scenario a tsunami might arise as devastating to other Canary Islands as that which flooded Japan in March of 2011. The main visitations with sporadic harbor and coastal damage like what was experienced in the Hawaiian Islands and Santa Cruz California from the Japanese tsunami would range along the sparsely populated Western Sahara southwards to the Mauritanian coast down to the city of Dakar, in Senegal. My oracle at this point does not see a major tsunami coming out of a future eruption of El Hierro. It is much more concerned with El Hierro’s volcanism triggering a Las Palmas eruption causing half the geologically unstable, western coastal mountainside of the island to suddenly slip into the Atlantic. Such an event would be a civilization-changing catastrophe sending a tsunami up to 160 feet high roaring 4.5 miles inland over the coasts of Brazil, French Guyana, Surname, Guyana, east Venezuela, the Caribbean islands of the Lesser Antilles, and the US Atlantic seaboard! A still taken from the movie "The Day After Tomorrow". This is what it might look like if a 160-foot tsunami should roll into New York City harbor only eight hours after the Las Palmas landslide. Europe would also be hit by significant tsunamis between 16 and 23 feet high, nearly as destructive as those inundating the Honshu coastal towns and Sendai airport, would visit Ireland, Iceland, England, France and Spain. The Canary Islands and the nearby mainland coastline of southwestern Morocco and the neighboring nation of Western Sahara might witness a tsunami flood 300 feet high!
Iran Terror Plot, Occupy Wall Street and a Canary Island Volcano
US Plans for war studied and rehearsed from 2004 through 2006 were so brazen that I felt it was time to collect Nostradamus’ many references to a war in our future between Israel and America versus Iran because it seemed imminent. The first of two astrological windows for war were open during 2007. If the first closed, the next window would open in the near future in not far off 2015-2016.
Iran Terror Plot, Occupy Wall Street and a Canary Island Volcano
In that book Nostradamus: The War with Iran, I gathered a number of Nostradamus prophecies that pointed to a future military showdown with Persia (modern day Iran) by Western forces. These verses using contemporary names from the 16th century even mentioned the Persian Gulf and its narrow opening, the Strait of Hormuz, as the site of a future naval and air battles where a fleet will be “melted and sunk” by those of the “trident.”
Iran Terror Plot, Occupy Wall Street and a Canary Island Volcano
Reference to those of the Sun standing alone is open to many possibilities, but the reference to Venus (a code name for “Venice”) is often used by Nostradamus to describe fascist Italy during the Second World War. Though Italy had possession of Libya, Somalia and Ethiopia at the start of the war, they did not achieve control of Africa, unless this is one of Nostradamus’ alternative futures only partially fulfilled. Saturn’s color is as black as Italian Black Shirts and German Gestapo SS troops, symbols of Axis fascism
Iran Terror Plot, Occupy Wall Street and a Canary Island Volcano
The true serpent fighting the Persians in our future may be another reference to a naval flag. In my book about Nostradamus’ predictions for Iran, I said the following: Every ship in this vast US armada flies the US flag and a US Navy Jack. Note that it is a flag with thirteen red and white stripes over which an American Rattlesnake crawls under the motto “Don’t Tread on Me!”
Iran Terror Plot, Occupy Wall Street and a Canary Island Volcano
So, with that said, is war with Iran about to break out earlier than the astrological window of 2015-2016? My answer is emphatic. It is no.
Iran Terror Plot, Occupy Wall Street and a Canary Island Volcano
The true serpent flag is also the symbol of the American Tea Party. Perhaps in 2016 there will be elected a president of the United States who is a member of that “true serpentine party”? How ironic it would be if the party that often promotes America pulling out of wars in the Middle East actually got their man or woman into the White House who then led America into its third and most disastrous war
oftwominds: Yet Another Reason Why the Euro Is Doomed
there is so much wealth and apparent financial stability, the notion that some sort of real-world hardship could actually spread from the southern Eurozone to the north is simply impossible to grasp.
oftwominds: Yet Another Reason Why the Euro Is Doomed
In the nations impacted directly by the crisis, there is nothing abstract about the unraveling; it is now part of everyday experience.
oftwominds: Yet Another Reason Why the Euro Is Doomed
how can leaders of still prosperous nations to whom the crisis is completely abstract in terms of daily life possibly make the kinds of decisions needed to impose hardship on their populations for a "cause"--"saving the euro"--which has no apparent connection to their everyday lives? The answer is that it will be impossible for political leaders to impose hardships in the real world (higher taxes, austerity, etc.) for "gains" (saving the euro) which are invisible and abstract.
7 Core Demands from the Occupy Wall Street Movement | Gold Stock Bull
1) End the Collusion Between Government and Large Corporations/Banks, So That Our Elected Leaders Are Actually Representing the Interests of the People (the 99%) and Not Just Their Rich Donors (the 1%).
2) Investigate Wall Street and Hold Senior Executives Accountable for the Destruction in Wealth that has Devastated Millions of People
3) Return the Power of Coining Money to the U.S. Treasury and Return to Sound Money
4) Limit the Size, Scope and Power of Banks so that None are Ever Again “Too Big to Fail” and in Need to Taxpayer Bailouts
5) Eliminate “Personhood” Legal Status for Corporations
6) Repeal the Patriot Act, End the War on Drugs and Protect Civil Liberties
7) End the Imperial Wars of Aggression, Bring the Troops Home from All Countries, Cut the Military Budget and Limit The Military Role to Protection of the Homeland
Warning: Isreal to strike Iran. SHOCKING. - Silver Gold Silver
I have been saying this since day one of writing on here. Go back to the old blog and see how I have been saying that Israel will lead us to the land of $500 silver. I rest my case. Be prepared to reap the whirlwind gentlemen. Its on like donkey kong.
Eject Neanderthals from Congress There is not much difference between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to military spending. Most likely your representative is for maintaining bloated military expenditures no matter what their party affiliation. Moreover, key Republicans are even willing to raise your taxes to support this bloat. Please consider GOP, Dems Differ on How to Save Defense Budget
Market-Ticker - MarketTicker Forums
Bald LIES From The Right (This Is IMPORTANT) There's a particularly odious and sickening piece of crap flying around today from "PajamasMedia", one of the water-carriers for the "right" side of the aisle -- and if we're ever going to actually fix anything in this economy and in our banking system, these people need to be exposed as the liars they are, held up to public ridicule, and scorned everywhere, from the corner grocery to the barber chair to the doctor's office.
HOWEVER, and remember, with me "however" always surfaces when I pull up the actual data and take a closer look at it than does that babbling bald moron on CNBC
Max Keiser - Frontline financial war reports
This is what happens when you threaten to decap a major NYSE listed company… Posted on October 14, 2011 by maxkeiser| 49 Comments Max Keiser is a new kind of terrorist. Max Keiser is a new kind of terrorist. He uses the internet and boycotts to manipulate stock prices.
ZeroHedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
After Goldman, Italian Protestors Besiege, Storm Headquarters Of Berlusconi's Fininvest Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2011 - 10:36 Rating Agency First Goldman, next the heart of all that is wrong and corrupt with Italian politics: the headquarters of Silvio Berlusconi's Milan Fininvest office itself. And this is just the beginning: many more protests are expected to take place tomorrow as "outraged" civilians take the streets of Rome.
Hard Landing - "Pride Of China" Fighter Jet Nosedives Into Field During Airshow
Hard Landing - "Pride Of China" Fighter Jet Nosedives Into Field During Airshow
Alas, if the 50% haircut idea, which is now proposed by Germany (in diametrical contrast to a month ago), and staunchly opposed by France whose banks, unlike Deutsche Bank, have not been able to dispose of legacy exposure, is killed before it is even implemented, look for a spike in panic in Europe which will now have to redo everything from scratch.
Jim Rogers Sees Devastating Stagflation, Would Quit If He Was A Bond Portfolio Manager | ZeroHedge
In a CNBC interview with Jim Rogers, the former Quantum Fund co-founder, who back in July said he was had shorted US Treasurys, exhibited absolutely no remorse, instead reiterated a 100% conviction in his "bond short" call: "Rogers said when there is a bubble, such as the one being experienced in U.S. Treasurys, prices could go up for long periods of time. Bill Gross of Pimco, who also had a bearish view on Treasurys, threw in the towel earlier this year. But Rogers is sticking to his opinion that Treasurys will eventually fall.
Jim Rogers Sees Devastating Stagflation, Would Quit If He Was A Bond Portfolio Manager | ZeroHedge
Ok, so no deflation. What then? The U.S. economy is likely to experience a period of stagflation worse than the 1970s,
Its Post Bubble Inflation Supply and Demand Stupid!
"As the inflation numbers get worse and as governments print more money and as governments have to issue many, many more bonds - somewhere along the line we get to the point when (bond prices) go down."
Jim Rogers Sees Devastating Stagflation, Would Quit If He Was A Bond Portfolio Manager | ZeroHedge
"This time is never different" and why the mother of all stagflations is coming soon: Rogers believes inflation will get much worse this time because, he said, in the 1970s only the Fed was printing money, whereas now many global central banks have been easing monetary policy.
For now though Rogers is playing it safe and avoiding bonds. Instead, he's betting on stagflation by being long commodities and currencies (such as the Chinese yuan) and shorting stocks.
"In the 70s you didn't make much money in stocks, you made fortunes owning commodities," Rogers added.
US "Pours Cold Water" On IMF Expansion Plans, Leaves European Bailout To Europeans | ZeroHedge
It is probably not too surprising that the negative news of the day, namely that the US has decided against expanding the IMF and thus leaving the European bailout to the Europeans (at least for now), was released quietly long after happy hour started on Friday.
"U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and his Canadian and Australian counterparts poured cold water on the idea" of injecting $350 billion into the International Monetary Fund. As a reminder, the IMF expansion myth was one of the latest rumors floated today by none other than the tag team of Geithner and Liesman. It lasted less than24 hours but it served its purpose.
The second priority is to get the world's solvent countries' future so deeply intertwined with that of the bankrupt ones, that letting Greece, and hence France, would result in a Global Assured Destruction.
FT informs us that according to Greece itself any haircuts over 21% are out of the question: The lead negotiator for private holders of Greek debt has said that investors are unwilling to accept greater losses on their bonds than the 21 per cent agreed in July, jeopardising eurozone plans to finalise a second Greek bail-out by the end of next week. Charles Dallara, managing director of the Institute of International Finance, criticised European leaders on Friday for failing to allow the July deal to proceed. He said any greater losses imposed on Greek bondholders could prompt investors to sell the sovereign debt of other eurozone countries, destabilising the single currency. “We do not see that a compelling case has been made to reopen the deal,” Mr Dallara told the FT. “A deal is a deal.”
At 21.01% it becomes involuntary... and hence triggers CDS according to even that most corrupt of deterministic organizations, ISDA. And once there is an official Event of Default, and the multi billion CDS complex starts collapsing on itself, exposing the whole premise of "gross exposure is not net" due to bilateral netting for the lie it is, the not even the loftiest lies and the most incredible propaganda won't do anything to lift the offer in the EURUSD.
Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed
ASSHOLE HIPPIES FROM OUTER SPACE" One of the most exciting things I've been hearing about lately is that a ten-mile-wide spherical UFO is now parked in upper Earth orbit. Over 200 smaller craft have been seen coming and going from the mothership, thanks to round doors opening and closing. This was all witnessed by personnel within the International Space Station, among others. (There are plenty of optics onboard that can see craft that would otherwise be "cloaked" from the conventional visible-light spectrum.) One of my own staff sent me a writeup of a dream that described this exact scenario in stunning detail -- and they had no idea that I'd already heard the same thing from insiders. It has become very difficult to piece together exactly what is going on, since there has been a significant clamp-down on information in the insider community -- and the "need-to-know basis" has now become much more stringent. However, we do know that some aspects of the military-industrial complex have made contact with these people... and literally described them as "Asshole Hippies from Outer Space."
Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed
Apparently, what pisses them off the most is that their underground bases are now being wiped out, in ever-increasing numbers, by people who speak softly of love and peace, keep trying to get them to open their hearts, but are also refusing to take no for an answer.
Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed
It's literally the equivalent of their greatest, most secure blast doors in the deepest underground bunkers being torn open... and then in walks a bunch of Greenpeace, earth-loving, blissed-out, attractive, young-looking humans who speak to them like they were children.
Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed
What the negatives do not realize is that the reason why these "rules" force them to "hide out in the open" is that they are being used. They are only here to fulfill a purpose. Once that purpose has been adequately fulfilled, they will be forced to either change or leave.
Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed
[DW: My own insiders expect that the dollar is about to collapse, thanks to this coordinated international effort – followed by the official declaration of bankruptcy by the US government. That will be the immediate precursor event. I have been told the insiders are considering seven different ways in which this collapse could happen. All of them are thought to be potentially very imminent, even before the end of the year.
we don’t want to wake up. We don’t want happiness, we don’t want real freedom because to attain it we must confront all that is false in us, chaining us down. To be a meditator is to be mother to the birth of our own inner child.
I experienced the essence behind the terrible words of St. John’s prophecy about people trying to pull the mountains over themselves to escape facing the revelation of truth. That night moments passed like the peeling of skin. I tossed and turned, then ran to the bathroom and saw the puffy face and slit eyes of a man stunned by his own terror.
we don’t want to wake up. We don’t want happiness, we don’t want real freedom because to attain it we must confront all that is false in us, chaining us down
Many mystics, past and present, say that only when one reaches a crisis can an authentic spiritual journey begin. A state of extreme urgency is a must. Totality is the ultimate credential. Only when the inner search becomes a life-and-death issue can the tension be brought to the breaking point and send you into an altered state of deep relaxation.
Osho is famous in meditation circles for his controversial claim that we moderns, particularly the Westernized variety, are the most restless and neurotic human who have ever existed. With enough forceful discipline, we may be able to keep our body still, but we cannot still our minds. Vipassana, Yoga, and all the rest of the 112 techniques from the East are made for simpler people of more innocent and less complex times. Before sitting in silence can happen, the accumulation of stress, anger, and repression packed away behind modern people’s happy-face masks has to be creatively and safely expressed. Osho claimed to have a meditation technique that, if practiced all over the world every morning, could be used as a release valve for all the pent-up collective angers that periodically erupt in a binge of global slaughter — what I’ve coined as the will to catharsis.
The meditation has five sections and is done to especially composed music by the New Age composer Deuter as conceived by Osho. During the first part, of ten minutes duration, you breathe rapidly, chaotically and deeply through the nose. This is supposed to build up the energy that can help you release the flame of pent-up repressions. Then, at the sound of a gong, the music changes into waves of sonic wildness. For the second ten minutes you are to undergo catharsis, release emotions, anger, gibberish, fear, rage, madness — whatever comes up. You are to dance it, shake it, scream it, sing it, but you are absolutely not allowed to hurt others in the hall. The third gong brings on a ten-minute hop of heaven-hell. You stop releasing emotions [or stop undergoing catharsis] and reach your arms straight over your head and jump to the pulsing synthesizers and drums. Every time your feet hit the ground you yell Hoo! with all you’ve got, as if it meant life or death. This is a variation of a Sufi technique designed to bring your energies up out of your sex center and take them through the rest of your body. At the last hop and Hoo! the pre-recorded voice of Osho yelling Stop! cuts the music like splitting a thunderbolt. You then freeze in place like a statue for fifteen minutes and watch within. Finally, there is fifteen minutes of dancing and celebrating.
The tribesman who Facebook friended me - Salon.com
– but for many years he was a hunter-gatherer, and now he’s on Facebook!
The tribesman who Facebook friended me - Salon.com
Worried that their visit might pollute their culture with modern ideas, or perhaps make them terminally envious of a world beyond their reach, I talked to some experts on Papua New Guinean tribes, and at that point exposed myself for the blinkered bigot that I was. “How dare you,” said one anthropologist, “to imagine, without question, that a Sepik tribesman would be envious of your culture. That’s one of the most arrogant things I’ve ever heard. These people are supremely proud of their own culture. They have a much more rewarding lifestyle than the majority in the West. Mark my word, they won’t want anything you can give them.” And, essentially, she was right. Six members of the tribe came to Britain. With every whispered observation, they left us powerless to explain the madness of our own social norms, and when they boarded the plane back to PNG, we were the ones racked with envy – envious of their joyously interdependent community, their clear understanding of what mattered in life, their rock-solid roles, simple pleasures and ample leisure time, their lack of mortgages and debts, their indisputable “goodness.” Our world appeared an obscene and dysfunctional manifestation of human existence in comparison.
The tribesman who Facebook friended me - Salon.com
For the first time in history, humanity is truly open-access.
I examined predictions of Nostradamus regarding the loose fellowship of therapists and meditation movements of the last fifty years known as the Human Potential Movement. Nostradamus pegged this movement as the source of tomorrow’s spiritual rebellion.
Polarities between people have widened to the point where there is little common ground to be found between those who choose hate/war and those who opt for peace/love. These energies are the only ones playing themselves out on the planet. The middle road that collective humanity long traveled upon has completely disappeared. It is very difficult to move from one side to the other, as the contrasts between you have split you to such a degree that only those who are able to muster the energy for a complete physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual restructuring are able to make an effective transfer.
It is understood that this document is to be read by only a few, and that those few will be those who walk the good road that is paved with blocks of golden Light Love.
These documents are carefully recorded in the Akashic Library where they stand under a banner that imprints the Soul identities of all who have chosen the good road, the path of spiritual enlightenment, and who consider the thoughts, feelings, and eternal rights of every living being as taking precedent, and as being so guided by beings of light, by angelic and celestial guardians of high magnitude. So be it!
if you fly to the town of Poona, India, just 100 kilometers from the labyrinth city of Mumbai (Bombay), you will encounter the most striking examples of this. Nestled in the town that gave Tantra one of its greatest ancient centers, the birthplace of one of India’s most significant twentieth-century mystics, Meher Baba, is the Ashram (spiritual campus) that used to be known as Osho Commune International and currently goes by the name Osho Meditation Resort. There you will find the disciples of the late Osho carrying on their master’s vision of providing a Club Meditation for the creation of the new humanity. It is a sixty-eight-acre resort of luscious gardens, black granite and marble buildings and pyramids, a strange contrast to the surrounding squalor of a bustling Third World city.
There you will find the disciples of the late Osho carrying on their master’s vision of providing a Club Meditation for the creation of the new humanity.
the Poona Ashram offered me a taste of life at the frontiers of the Human Potential Movement.
Frustration led me away from the psychic seeker-sucking game to an exploration of many Eastern techniques of classical meditation such as Yoga and Vipassana — which is Buddha’s technique of sitting watching the suchness of thoughts and emotions.
The child seized these brick labels as greedily as he seized the tit. What else could he do? That child needed the grown-ups, and the grown-ups felt they needed to condition him for the coming life of lies and limitations.
Fear had become his bedmate, denial, the sheets.
At first I tried the usual New Age assortment of meditations that heightened psychic powers. After four years of this, I could see auras, read minds, etc. Still, the essential facticity of my being was hidden. While astral traveling I had many fascinating experiences, but they didn’t make me any more aware of who was zipping in and out of the astral realms. Who was seeing auras? Who indeed was opening his chakras? Who was reading minds? Who was this mystery that sometimes accurately saw the future?
The New Age, the so-called Aquarian Age, is to be one that honors the power of manifested thought, of Love Light. Adherence to Universal Law of Interconnected Oneness will be the only Law sanctioned by peoples who live on evolved, fifth-dimensional Earth. We have stated many times, all who opt for war and aggressive, non-loving, non-compassionate behavior are slated to be removed to another third-dimensional Earth, where the Law of Free Endeavor will give them free reign to continue their cosmically immature game playing.
do good, to be good, and to promote the greater good for all living beings.
Thus the Law of One has been corrupted through slight of hand rewording and confusing interpretations of written and oral Law, which ensured that true spiritual enlightenment would rarely occur. Nevertheless, the teachings of all true spiritual masters are based in the simple tenets of Love, Compassion, and Peace. It is to humanity’s dismay that they chose to ignore Primary Law in favor of laws they rewrote for themselves, as dictated by nefarious beings known as the Dark Lords, the Fallen Angels, and by names whose energies are so insidious Patricia rightfully refuses to place them in this document. To do so would be to draw their attention. However, this one’s work (as are the works of all creative interstellar communicators) is closely monitored and protected by beings who exude qualities of Divine Light Love.
Humanity is closely monitored. Everything you think, say, and do is being recorded in the great Akashic Records. This has always been true, but the imprints within the records, while always exact, have recently been infused with a bold firmness that allows no karmic leeway, as was sometimes given in previous times.
We give notice that spiritual integrity is not based on religious affiliation of any kind. Spiritual integrity is based on the amount of light intensity an individual holds, which is directly related to their ability to become Love, to become Compassion, to become Light. There are peoples of integrity in every nation, particularly
We give notice that spiritual integrity is not based on religious affiliation of any kind. Spiritual integrity is based on the amount of light intensity an individual holds, which is directly related to their ability to become Love, to become Compassion, to become Light. There are peoples of integrity in every nation, particularly those called Indigo or Crystalline, who clearly qualify as high degree Light Love masters.
n the intensity of that terrible moment of rejection, Nature showed me how to sniff out an authentic member of the genus Homo novus. These flowers in humanity’s manure field would possess the silence of Nature and an equanimity in the face of Nature’s two polar complementaries — destruction and creation. I would instinctively recognize these members of the new human race by their laughter and celebration uncaused, by the gleam of a second and consciously recognized childhood sparking in their eyes. I would know them if their silent gaze and presence were not disturbed by fame or infamy, riches or poverty, life or death. They would remain inwardly blissful, unaffected by life’s vagaries or any attempts by those outside of their silence to abuse and disturb them. The Homo novus would be happy in a palace or in the dirtiest holding cell. And if sadness on rare occasions came to their doors, they would watch it rather than indulge it, until sadness moved on.
I realized it was then I made the commitment that has forever sabotaged my efforts to embrace life as it is socially presented and commonly accepted. That is why I never succeeded in opera or fit with anyone’s projections and expectations. I somehow understood in my child-mind that a truly natural, spiritual person would be as silent as that sky, as playful as those eddying clouds, as rich with the fragrance of wisdom as the grass cushioning my chin. A natural human being, like the grass, could not dictate or push his or her fragrance on others but would simply be unable to contain it.
In fact, no animal except man commits suicide or indiscriminately slaughters its own kind. We compare, and throw our minds and hearts into the turmoil of division. This division becomes projected onto all of our relationships with other human beings and with the Earth. As we become more and more split off from our fellow humans and from the planet, we create all the conditions that draw us closer to death — personal and global.
There is no judgment in Nature’s stases and catastrophes. It is unnatural man, divided against the Self, who judges them. There is life, death, violence and peace flowing from animals, earth and plants. They don’t judge or feel divisions like we do. The rosebush doesn’t compare itself to the lotus and commit suicide.
As I huddled there, I was forced to face the reality that people were neither sane nor loving; they only pretended to be.
This is why the emergence of the new breed, Homo novus — the true strangers among us, is viewed with suspicion and fear. The priests or the politicians cannot control these people. They do not pray for happiness, they are happiness. In the midst of a suicidal world, their way of life exposes the death wish society must encounter and transcend if it is to survive.
There’s a Sufi metaphor about identification. Misery doesn’t come to us, we unconsciously seek it out and hold on to it, like flinging our arms around a pillar. As we squeeze tighter we yell, “Oh, if I only could be rid of this misery and pain!”
This misunderstanding is our choice. As American mystic Adi Da Samraj once remarked, we do misery, we do expectation. Hell is not a place. We do it. We do predictability. We make prophecy work because we are so damned predictable. Caught in the cycles of time and unconsciousness, we have repeated again and again the behaviors that make it easy for the seers to prophesy us unto doomsday.
This is why the emergence of the new breed, Homo novus — the true strangers among us, is viewed with suspicion and fear. The priests or the politicians cannot control these people. They do not pray for happiness, they are happiness. In the midst of a suicidal world, their way of life exposes the death wish society must encounter and transcend if it is to survive.
One of the renegade mystics, Osho, believes the next Noah’s ark needed to save humanity is a Noah’s Ark of Consciousness.
It is not a UFO mothership of nebulous construction built for one to wait out the seven years of tribulation behind a comet’s tail. It isn’t a cave city for survivalists. It is a hideaway so secret that you’d never guess how close it nudges against where you live even at this moment. It hides right behind the source of your existence. This safe haven is a place that spiritual survivalists retreat to. It is the ark of consciousness within each of us. The pathway to this ark can be found by remaining silent and centered exactly in the middle of the cyclone of the coming times.
Gradually Pink Floyd’s bricks piled up around me, blocking out the limitless view of the innocent and unnamable wonder that a child feels by just being alive.
was taught to hold on to thoughts and possess emotional expectations; in short, I was given recipes for accepted adult behavior. I painfully learned to live in a world where beauty and the art of being alive are pushed lower and lower on life’s laundry list; I was taught to survive in a culture where cars, money, face-saving at all costs, and manipulation of others are the primary values. I had come into the world as a cosmos and it looked like I would leave the world as a spent commodity.
When it got too much, I got pushed to the edge of a nervous breakthrough. There were only two alternatives: rediscover what I had lost, or lose myself.
but this is the Kali Yuga after all — an age that uses the least adequate media to express the deepest truths.
I do not yet know who I am but meditation allows me to often see how I am.
I become more a spectator than a participant in stress, pain, and denial. Through meditation I have been able to uncover the root cause of all my misery: The fear of change, and lurking behind that, the ultimate fear — the fear of death. Meditation has helped me observe the mechanics of misery and fear.
The answer to averting the tribulations to come may arise out of each individual understanding and transcending the problem he or she has become.
We loved and worked with him and he expressed that we should help the eagle and the condor fly in the skies together again meaning that we should help people learn to integrate their logic with their intuition.
The condo (people of the Andes) are too much in their hearts. North Americans (the eagle) are too much in their heads. When we integrate our thinking and feeling we can regain our equilibrium. So we bought a 960+ acre hacienda in the Andes and our North Carolina farm and began having groups come to both.
Magick Chair, Chief Joseph, and Other W.S.
. Sometimes the beings that are assaulting us are so vial that nothing can reform them and they need to go to "the cosmic recycle bin." Then there are those beings that are trying to own everything. Beings that are rapidly spreading such tyranny, pain and suffering across all of creation like a virus into infinity (....like Duerlah) ....that they need to be totally and unthinkably "annihilated." This is not an easy job and not a job for the faint of heart, and not a job for someone with a run away ego...you have to keep a cool head, a pure heart, an expanded view, and trust your gut and your higher self.
Magick Chair, Chief Joseph, and Other W.S.
You have no idea how many times I used "love and light" as a response to their vileness, and it was like a joke to them. Using love and light will work for many things and I am an advocate of this....BUT.... There are times when you have to not only "match" their energy but exceed it
Magick Chair, Chief Joseph, and Other W.S.
It seems that only the greedy and the arrogant are free. This needs to stop.
The society of the conditioned mind does not value the equally unique mystery of soul in each of us. It sees things in separation rather than values what organically graces all seemingly diverse things that only appear on the surface to be separate.
I tell you, reader: since my experience of that night I see a terrible revelation about everyone — we don’t want to wake up. We don’t want happiness, we don’t want real freedom because to attain it we must confront all that is false in us, chaining us down. To be a meditator is to be mother to the birth of our own inner child.
~One trademark that a high % of First Wave Indigos have, is living through extreme hardships as children, teenagers, and young adults. Many were born into family situations that were physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychically abusive. These Indigos had to figure out how to balance and keep their inherent integrity levels, while being subjected to painful and life shattering experiences. A large % were inplanted in such horrendous situations as: organized crime, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and even ritual/cult abuse & mind control. It is also common for First Wave Indigos to have some kind of Alien encounters.
Magick Chair, Chief Joseph, and Other W.S.
It seems that only the greedy and the arrogant are free. This needs to stop.
"The pirot ejacurated safry"...