11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws

The 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws of the Cosmos

Universal Law of Free Will

Spiritual Law of Freedom of Man

Universal Law of Change

Spiritual Law of Growth of Man

Universal Law of Movement and Balance

Spiritual Law of Strength, Health and Happiness

Universal Law of Innocence, Truth and Family

Spiritual Law of Protection of Family

Universal Law of Symmetry

Spiritual Law of Equality

Universal Law of Life

Spiritual Law of Choice

Universal Law of Light, Sound and Vibration

Spiritual Law of Intuition

Universal Law of Judgment

Spiritual Law of Karma

Universal Law of Nature

Spiritual Law of Protection of Man

Universal Law of Love

Spiritual Law of Healing

Universal Law of Perception 
Spiritual Law of Future Sight 

Thanks to Dr. Richard Boylan for this List