oftwominds: Yet Another Reason Why the Euro Is Doomed
there is so much wealth and apparent financial stability, the notion that some sort of real-world hardship could actually spread from the southern Eurozone to the north is simply impossible to grasp.
oftwominds: Yet Another Reason Why the Euro Is Doomed
In the nations impacted directly by the crisis, there is nothing abstract about the unraveling; it is now part of everyday experience.
oftwominds: Yet Another Reason Why the Euro Is Doomed
how can leaders of still prosperous nations to whom the crisis is completely abstract in terms of daily life possibly make the kinds of decisions needed to impose hardship on their populations for a "cause"--"saving the euro"--which has no apparent connection to their everyday lives? The answer is that it will be impossible for political leaders to impose hardships in the real world (higher taxes, austerity, etc.) for "gains" (saving the euro) which are invisible and abstract.
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