October 14, 2011

Yatchak = Highest Level Shaman in Ecuador

We loved and worked with him and he expressed that we should help the eagle and the condor fly in the skies together again meaning that we should help people learn to integrate their logic with their intuition.


The condo (people of the Andes) are too much in their hearts. North Americans (the eagle) are too much in their heads.

When we integrate our thinking and feeling we can regain our equilibrium.

So we bought a 960+ acre hacienda in the Andes and our North Carolina farm and began having groups come to both.


Over the past 40 years Merri and I have practiced many forms of meditation. One… the most powerful I know is based around  18 Golden Words from Patanjali’s Sutras.  The first three are #1: friendliness, #2: compassion and #3: happiness in this order.  So every day we get in touch with these words at the deepest levels of our existence.

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