October 14, 2011

do good, to be good, and to promote the greater good for all living beings.aw of One has been corrupted through slight of hand rewording and confusing interpretations of written and oral Law, which ensured that true spiritual enlightenment would rarely occur.

Intergalactic Command

do good, to be good, and to promote the greater good for all living beings.

Intergalactic Command

Thus the Law of One has been corrupted through slight of hand rewording and confusing interpretations of written and oral Law, which ensured that true spiritual enlightenment would rarely occur.   Nevertheless, the teachings of all true spiritual masters are based in the simple tenets of Love, Compassion, and Peace.   It is to humanity’s dismay that they chose to ignore Primary Law in favor of laws they rewrote for themselves, as dictated by nefarious beings known as the Dark Lords, the Fallen Angels, and by names whose energies are so insidious Patricia rightfully refuses to place them in this document.   To do so would be to draw their attention.  However, this one’s work (as are the works of all creative interstellar communicators) is closely monitored and protected by beings who exude qualities of Divine Light Love.

Intergalactic Command

Humanity is closely monitored.    Everything you think, say, and do is being recorded in the great Akashic Records.   This has always been true, but the imprints within the records, while always exact, have recently been infused with a bold firmness that allows no karmic leeway, as was sometimes given in previous times.

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