October 30, 2011

The Other Side of 11-11-11


Denise Le Fay, 10-27-11…”Starseed Troop Withdrawals”… (say, WHAT???) | Kauilapele's Blog

I’ve hinted for months that on the other side of 11-11-11 we’ll begin to know more about what’s coming next for us individually. Until then however, it’s hard for many of us to even imagine this major shift into the next phase and so, our near future may now seem blacked-out to our current awareness. But trust that you will soon perceive and know it.”

Denise Le Fay, 10-27-11…”Starseed Troop Withdrawals”… (say, WHAT???) | Kauilapele's Blog

Relax because there’s plenty of time to know what you want to do next and where. Remain in one’s ascended physical body on the New Ascended 5D Earth and perceive more soon about one’s options and decide at that point what you want to do next and where. Remain in one’s ascended physical body on the New Ascended 5D Earth and have a Rest and Recuperation period somewhere to heal the Ascension Process wounds and exhaustion if needed. Leave the New Ascended 5D Earth and have that nice Rest and Recuperation some place else of your choosing. Remain in one’s ascended physical body on the New Ascended 5D Earth as a Master and Teacher to the newly ascended humanity. Go back Home to whatever dimension and location that is for each of us and become the New non-physical, Inner Plane Guides, Assistants, Masters, Teachers etc. to the 5D humans living on the New Ascended 5D Earth. Some of us will choose to be the New non-physical Guides etherically whispering in some people’s ears and hearts like your old Guides did for you before the Ascension Process began. Go back Home, wherever that is for the many Starseeds, and just rest there for however long one desires. Go back Home to our particular Home stations and report what we’ve learned while in physicality on Earth to the others that remained when we Volunteered to come to 3D Earth and embody the Ascension Process. The knowledge/Light we’ve gained by our Volunteering to incarnating into such density, duality, negativity, darkness and chaos in physicality is tremendously valuable information that Source and all others will use to create new worlds and realities in other locations and so very much more. Go back Home, wherever that is for you, and just sit n’ grin n’ rest and be very happy about it all for a good long while! Go back Home and rest and recuperate for a while then fairly quickly go back out on your next Mission. All of the above and more.

Denise Le Fay, 10-27-11…”Starseed Troop Withdrawals”… (say, WHAT???) | Kauilapele's Blog

brutal and dangerous transmuting and integrating we’ve done. Well done everyone, now lets walk across the 11-11-11 threshold and embody much more of the New Blueprints for humanity, Earth, and Home.

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