September 30, 2011


[ 11:11 Progress List ] -- One Without Name, Without Number -- The Thought of One -- Part One - - Gmail

“They are the dearest wishes of countless orders of Paradise Creatures that they may spend part of their eternal existence in time-space to contribute, to experience, to prove their faith to the Creator of all.


[ 11:11 Progress List ] -- One Without Name, Without Number -- The Thought of One -- Part One - - Gmail

However, at this stage of your existence it is greatly more important that you become real in universe terms rather than wise, that you gain faith rather than great knowledge, that you cultivate love for all, rather than stand out in the crowd as a beacon of intellectual prowess.

Is the Internet the Ultimate Tool for High Speed Spiritual Development?

The royal mess that is this blog not only tracks but also records important information for easy retrieval.  So for me the answer to that question is unequivocally yes!

If you open your heart and other non-mental centers and let yourself flow around the net - one can really discover oneself in a very very rapid and enlightening fashion.

It is difficult to capture in words what I am trying to describe, bit I know that those who have experienced or practiced what I am trying to describe certainly know what I am talking about.

The more people we could turn on to self discovery via the net - the better the world could be - and FASTER!!!

Getting Back to that Pesky Asteroid Problem Again - Now That Could Definitely Cause Dollar Collapse Timetable to be Expedited to October or November 2011

Kerry Cassidy Blog

This is interesting because last night I was telling David Wilcock and friends that we are going to be seeing "a storm of asteroids" hitting the Earth in the near future and this morning I saw this article and video about the meteorite hitting Argentina...
And drum roll here's another one: in Northern California

....and a Motorcycle Geek - I love this guy - ok man - channeling you from this side - bee bee bee bee bee you made froggie croak - let's see if we can get a clearer channel going.....

Kerry Cassidy Blog

The picture depicted above is Dr. Fred Bell in his Airforce Days at the age of 18. The motorcycle he is standing by was his brand new 1959 Honda CE-71. The CE-71 today is one of the most sought after and rare motorcycles. Only 390 were ever produced, and today approximately only 15 remain at large. Dr. Bell sold this motorcycle in 1961, right after this picture was taken. Ten years ago Dr. Bell wanted to add a CE-71 back into his motorcycle collection and found out there were none available. The only ones he could find were either owned by the Honda Corporation or in private museum collections. Dr. Bell had only one alternative left to obtain a CE-71, so he put his andromedan holographic projector to the ultimate test. Within 45 days, not only did he have a CE-71 in his possession, but he had serial #2, one of the rarest of the model line. The motorcycle pictured behind Dr. Bell is serial #2 !!! A very exciting story is being composed at this time about this remarkable recovery (44 years out of his possession) and will be presented to the motorcycle industry in the near future. The Famous Bill Silver "Mr. Honda" recently flew in this November 2005 to work on the story mentioned above.

Sign Me Up

Kerry Cassidy Blog

the X-1 Healing Maching, allows the human body to heal itself in a matter of seconds instead of taking several months.

OK - Hello Pleiadiens!

Kerry Cassidy Blog

He then left the defense sector and began studying with Himalayan Masters. During this time he became internationally known as a contactee to a Pleiadean group of extraterrestrial humanoids whom were here to help the people on earth save themselves from their own destructive tendencies. This group comes from a star system 500 light-years from earth. For this effort the Russian society of cosmonauts (astronauts), awarded Dr. Bell the distinguished scientific progress award

The Secret Is Different On Every Level

Kerry Cassidy Blog

Today Dr. Bell still works with the government when the need arises. Just prior to the catastrophy of 9/11, Dr. Bell was working with famed Dr. Steven Greer in de-compartmentalizing the various agencies that are working in concert with extraterrestrials, on such projects as advanced propulsion systems and star wars weaponry. This project was known as the Disclosure Project and was being presented to the United States Senate on the very day of 9/11

September 28, 2011

Great Sacred Fires of Purification into the Earth

Video: "An Important & Urgent Message Earth changes 2011- 2012 from the Ascended Masters "

Here is the DECREE THAT YOU CAN MAKE everyday!!!! Oh Mighty IAM Presence, Great Flame of God within me, through you I greet the Great God Presence I AM of every human being on this earth and those who are waiting for embodiment at this time. Oh Mighty I AM Presence in thy Great and Holy Name and Presence do we call upon you and thy Great Servants, the Angelic Hosts, and those who have gained their freedom in the Ascended realms and the Great Cosmic Beings, COME, COME, COME and your great Ascended Masters and Angelic authority and release the Great Central Suns Mightiest Oceans of Sacred Fires of Purification upon this Earth. So charge the environment of Earth, the Japanese Islands ,the Power of Nature, the Forces of the Elements. DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE the Great Sacred Fires of Purification into the Earth, the center of the Earth and all inner structures of the Earth that forces the purification of all discord and causes all discord to be removed from the Earth and all Her kingdoms and all Her environment. That this planet earth may shift into her next great all Christ Consciousness as quickly as possible. And Great Host of Ascended Beings you are watching, DRIVE Your Sacred Fires of Purification into those areas that are most sensitive at this time. That if they do not receive the Great Sacred Fire of the Heart Realm of the Ascended Master realms' that these areas could be the most sensitive in creating catastrophic conditions upon this earth. COME, COME, COME we DEMAND it in the name of our Mighty IAM Presence. We COMMAND it in name of the Ascended Jesus Christ by the Ascended Jesus Christ Great Command for the Great unleashing of the Sacred Fires of Purification upon this earth. DRIVE those Sacred Fires into the feeling side of all human life that silences the destructive use of human free will. Take up our calls and multiply them ten billion times. We Thank You, We Thank You, We Thank You. And remain in thy great service, use us in any way. Prompt us to rise into the Light and to stand in the Light and to make the calls for those who do not know of the greater activities' of Life. We Thank You. Almighty IAM, Almighty IAM, Almighty IAM

Time Of Cleansing

God Showed me a White Towel - It was Dripping Wet - An Unimaginable Amount of Water Flowed from it!
The message was simple: it's time to clean away the old dirty beliefs and expose true perfection. For far too long I've believed our task as Light Workers is to reaffirm new beliefs, but now I digress. The good beliefs have always been there.. we must stand up and wipe away old beliefs. This task may seem excessive now, but we will never run out of that which cleans away negative, controlling beliefs.. our loving attention. May you find eternal love in this message.. good night :)

September 24, 2011


Be very weary and AWARE, ‘WHAT’ you ‘THINK’ and, ask your ‘SELF’ (more often), WHERE these THOUGHTS actually come from?

We are creators, not thinkers! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In my recent little RMN post and quiz or 'survey' about: "What else is faster than light-speed; and, by how much?", 'All' the responders (6 or 7 in toto), 'thought' (believed) that: THOUGHT was faster than the speed of light! And, When you realize that most people 'think' (believe) that their 'thoughts' are who they really are, or 'what' they are 'made of', And Given what the holy Bible and René Descartes, both told us long ago, that: "As a man thinks, so is he!" Then, IF you (as 'most' do) BELIEVE this, I say, World, please look out!! What you THINK are 'your' THOUGHTS, has - by and large, i.e. in the main - not even 'come from', YOU, and therefore have nothing to do with YOU, Nor does it tell YOU anything about, Who and What you Are, at All! We've all heard the saying: "Let's STOP to think for a minute", or, remember the teacher at school telling us to: "Think, think, think young man/lady? Did that help? Thinking, is just a journey into the PAST, of our own past experiences, as well as ALL of humanity's past thoughts etc. Did you KNOW that? DO you BELIEVE that? Hmm, no matter! It's true anyway; whether you 'believe' it or not, is YOUR business! Did you also know that, THINKING is almost, I say, ALMOST, totally unnecessary in the course of successfully conducting our daily lives? Did you KNOW that, or, can you even 'believe' that? 'Thinking' is all about remembering events or an experience from the past, and is generally, (95-99%) 'unnecessary info' in order to conduct our daily lives, as I said. And about the question: WHAT (else) is faster than the speed of light? Most responders said in answer to this second question "how much faster?", that: "instantaneous" is 'faster' than light-speed! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may now be 'ready' to answer another question and come to a 'scary' conclusion about LIFE itself, perhaps . . . . The question I now have for those readers who are moved to answer this next one: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Question 3: WHO is faster than the speed of light?? ----------------------------------------------------------------- When you answer this question 'correctly', it will open up a whole new paradigm or attitude, as to HOW you/we will live y/our life in the IMMINENT and Glorious Golden Know'l-Age of INSTANT Creation. The Divine Life I live is about CREATING - NOT Thinking. Is your life going to be about what you THINK or BELIEVE, Or about WHAT you will CREATE? Ponder on that THOUGHT for a moment - if you are not too busy or distracted by the all 'fear stories' doing the rounds. And then, you 'may' care to consider changing that old-age and age-old thought: Life is NOT about Stopping to THINK, but more about STOPPING to CREATE - A glorious New Morning and A Fresh Beginning, Starting right here and now.

September 19, 2011

Peter Schiff's Somber Conclusive Remarks to his Congressional Testimony

Peter Schiff On Obamanomics: "There Are Not Enough Open Minds In The Capitol To Keep This Ship From Sinking" | ZeroHedge

"I don't think those few open minds in the Capitol are going to be enough to keep this ship from sinking. There just isn't enough time or a strong enough will for reform from the American people. That is why it is so important for you to act individually to protect yourself and your family from the new age of stagflation. Please take the time to view my testimony, understand the problems we face, and align your investments accordingly."

The 1000 Oz. of Silver Retirement Plan

 Salman Toor 
collect 1000 oz of  in your life ...wud be enough for your retirement plans.       

Is Nouriel Roubini One of the "Conspiracy Theorists" Now?

Either Nouriel is a conspiracy theorist now - OR - you no longer have to be a "conpiracy theorist" to safely point out that the banks are economically raping entire nations and disguising the rape as a "Bailout".  In his defense, on the other hand, he used the terminology "large sweeteners" as a euphimism for rape.  Guess they'll let him keep his professorship at NYU.

EconoMonitor : Nouriel Roubini's Global EconoMonitor » Greece Should Default and Abandon the Euro

Greece must now begin an orderly default, voluntarily exit the eurozone and return to the drachma.

The recent debt exchange deal Europe offered Greece was a rip-off, providing much less debt relief than the country needed. If you pick apart the figures, and take into account the large sweeteners the plan gave to creditors, the true debt relief is actually close to zero. The country’s best current option would to reject this agreement and, under threat of default, renegotiate a better one. Yet even if Greece were soon to be given real and significant relief on its public debt, it cannot return to growth unless competitiveness is rapidly restored. And, without a return to growth, its debts will stay unsustainable. Problematically, however, all of the options that might restore competitiveness require real currency depreciation. 

September 17, 2011

Todays Intention - Every Day's Intention - ground all the vast, mystical experiences we are having into our human energy field, "for the benefit of all, and in alignment with the Divine Plan."

Daily Grounding Grounding bring energy into physical form.  Our intentions might be to on a daily basis ground all the vast, mystical experiences we are having into our human energy field, "for the benefit of all, and in alignment with the Divine Plan." Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook

Daily Grounding Grounding bring energy into physical form.  Our intentions might be to on a daily basis ground all the vast, mystical experiences we are having into our human energy field, "for the benefit of all, and in alignment with the Divine Plan." Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook

Talk to the "Less Awake" People about the real current "realities" as if everyone already knew about them - Overcome Fear with Knowledge

LIGHTWORKERS - A CALL TO ACTION!!!! - and how to do it - Overcome Fear with Knowledge As more unrest grows around your world, worry and fear will become the dominant mode of thought for many. This dominant thought will overtake your planet unless you, who have been prepared for so long, undo these emotions with Love and Compassion. It is your responsibility to bring these truths to as many as you can. We suggest you talk naturally of these issues as if everyone already knew about them. In that way, the ice is broken and a deeper discussion on these issues can commence as a way in which to overcome fear with knowledge.

LIGHTWORKERS - A CALL TO ACTION!!!! - and how to do it - Overcome Fear with Knowledge As more unrest grows around your world, worry and fear will become the dominant mode of thought for many. This dominant thought will overtake your planet unless you, who have been prepared for so long, undo these emotions with Love and Compassion. It is your responsibility to bring these truths to as many as you can. We suggest you talk naturally of these issues as if everyone already knew about them. In that way, the ice is broken and a deeper discussion on these issues can commence as a way in which to overcome fear with knowledge.

LOL - Can't Even Research Finance PE Firms without getting a 777 Hit - 22 provinces too

Banca Cívica creates an alliance to grow with one of the largest global private equity firms focused solely on the financial sector

The Banca Cívica Group has 777 branches in 22 Spanish provinces. Its 4,500 employees manage close to €45 billion (US$ 57.6 billion) in assets from its 1.5 million customers. Recently, the group opened its first office in the U.S. market where it will implement its business model and it is aiming to commence operations as a financial entity in 2011.

Use the Pre Figured Interpretations of Numeric Signs at this Site to Make it Easier to Determine how to Interpret them When you See Them - CRITICAL AND VERY USEFUL POINT!!! ------> Your spirit guides will know you are using it and adjust accordingly! - Numerology. A guide to the science of numerology, number sequences (111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 000), signs from the angels and spirit guides and a free numerology reading

If you wish, you could create a list of your own number sequence interpretations with which to receive guidance, advice and answers from your Spirit Guides, because the Spiritual Path is an individual journey, and you can use whichever method you wish to receive that guidance; your Spirit Guides will know immediately how you are interpreting a particular sign and will start using that interpretation to communicate with you. However, if you choose to use our interpretations, your Spirit Guides will use these instead. The benefit of using our interpretations is that you will not have to work out the interpretations for yourself, saving you a lot of time and stress; and you will also benefit from the ease of having a list of interpretations ready-to-hand.

September 15, 2011

Time Completely Unmanageable Relative to the Pace of Events?

"The moment that you are willing to step outside of tomorrow, outside of needing more time, or having more time, everything becomes possible. And you may finally notice where the Buddha has always been." ~ Adyashanti

September 14, 2011

Yup - Experienced this Recently

Message from Matthew, September 9, 2011…”Love is the key to everything!” | Kauilapele's Blog

32. It is your high vibrations that are connecting you with kindred spirits and causing reluctance to spending time with some individuals, whose vibrations are low. When the latter kind of encounter can’t be avoided, keeping your thoughts positive will enable you to stay balanced, and the light within balance will help raise the vibrations all around.

Hope for Assholes

Message from Matthew, September 9, 2011…”Love is the key to everything!” | Kauilapele's Blog

. Love is the key to everything! Please keep this foremost in mind when the ones still hidden behind their dark deeds are identified. Do not dim your light by focusing on punishment for them, but rather think of them as what they are, weakest links in the chain of Oneness, and send them the healing energy they need to uplift themselves and strengthen the chain for all souls.


Message from Matthew, September 9, 2011…”Love is the key to everything!” | Kauilapele's Blog

7. Let us say you are praying for a loved one’s recovery, and because the illness is so severe, you are afraid she will die and urgently pray that she won’t. Two factors enter into this, and the more important is that a person’s soul contract always takes precedence. Since you don’t know what she chose in her contract, the most beneficial prayer is for her highest good. You don’t know anyone’s contract, not even your own, so always that prayer, which has no limitations, is the most beneficial. The other factor is, the urgency in your prayer fractures your energy. That lowers your vibratory level, and because your thoughts and feelings are directed to the person you love, you are sending her equally low vibrations, exactly the opposite of what you want

September 6, 2011

URGENT - Radiate Love Peace and Joy for the Next Three Weeks!

Kauilapele's Blog | Today's energies from Hawai'i…

URGENT WORLD APPEAL To all persons who hold the desire and the supreme intention to see reign permanently and in a definitive way Love, Peace and Joy, To help our planet and all it’s inhabitants to give birth to the New World, we ask to all ‘creators of light’, who feel as us the necessity, to make a commitment, vibrate and sustain permanently this state at it’s utmost intensity. This is urgent to create the necessary quantum jump which we need to be born to ourselves. To manifest your commitment, you only need to say aloud ” I AFFIRM THAT I WILL, FROM HERE ON, ALWAYS RADIATE LOVE, PEACE AND JOY, IN ME AND AROUND ME, FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL It is important to feel the emotion as being “in love” of what you want to obtain and to maintain this frequency in an ” almost obsessive” way, and naturally, to act accordingly. It is asked that you make this commitment for a minimum period of 21 days in order to create and activate the necessary neuronal and energy circuits