In the spirit of service to others this blog aims to shed light on valuable spiritual resources that we will all require as we pass into and thru the personal, global, and universal spiritual opportunity represented by 2012 - Rather than Tracking 2012 by its disasters, Instead I shall endeavor to track it by our spiritual progress
August 30, 2011
August 24, 2011
August 19, 2011
August 17, 2011
August 16, 2011
Clif High 8/12/11
Temporal Markers
Sudden Blue Bankruptcy - USPS - floodgates for fiscal and economic problems. between now and 31st
Once in our human civilzation's event.
Rich people disturbance not being able to get gold out of storage.
Cross border trade issues - might affect bushies water rights in pguay.
October crisis.
Tropos and BIS
BIS will be opened up Oct 25 + Vatican stuff - intensity values
Collapse of BAC (bank of sicily - lol) and Citi ---> 55%+ unemployment
Lots of students are getting "laid off" the dole - this fall
Solar Storms?
Large cave refuge historically
Govt blocking access
Might want to check out any local caves
Nov 2012 Fed Irrelevant (IRS?) - begins early 2012
IRS moot after post office goes
September Worldwide Internet Issues? Natural disaster hitting US - very large.
Look out Early Nov - crash cade - will coincide maybe with adjusted Geryl intensities - terra orientation
Transitions lenses commercials - white sun adaptive clothing
Nevada EQ - 17th - 19th
Monkey Mind - Equity Crisis Massive Scale October - Bonds Early November --> Petrodollar ie US Dollar Crisis
or Elinin info Oct - Crash of Church - Financial Crash - Political Chaos
Predominance of mkts Oct
Space Goat Farts Nov
Vipasana Meditation
August 15, 2011
August 14, 2011
And Here's What the 11:11 Mentori have on their mind about “Reality, Truth, Honesty and Sanity.”
Illawarra District, Australia, August 10, 2011.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Reality, Truth, Honesty and Sanity.”
Mentori Spokesperson: “You are, whether you like it or not, a receiver of intelligent input from all manner of other-time-space beings. Beyond you making yourself available to your friends -- the local and itinerant Midwayers -- an individual such as I, a member of a Mentori group of nine members -- has easy access to your mind.
“You were built this way, were created this way, and have evolved this way, but it did not just happen. You made it happen, and let it happen, also, because you were in charge, you were awake, you had needs, you had wants, drive and curiosity, and you had a love for reality, truth, honesty, and sanity… and in a sane world anything is possible, including ‘hearing from angels’.
“How sane is your world right now, my friends, in these days of the second decade of your twenty-first century? No, no, do not attempt to answer that. Just listen to my further questions. Do you know that you are at war, that you are killing many of your brothers and sisters, and that you have neither declared these wars, nor have good reasons for them, or projected an end to them? Are they meant to go on forever? They are meant to throw you off of the scent of your civilization without progression, your economies in depression, and your democracies in regression, yes, eventual collapse all around.
“How suicidal is your world right now, my friends, when you thought you had lived long enough to have seen it all, and you find that on each hour of each day you are confronted with more and newer ways in which brother and sister can take from a sibling that which does not belong to them… through the hidden taxation of the devaluation of currencies ‘in love with’ your tireless printing machines and computers? You know neither your enemies who might well be your friends, nor can you identify those who govern you, and hold your savings safe, and who could well prove to be your mortal enemies.
“How understanding is your world right now, my friends, when you ask how it is possible that your youngsters burn your homes, steal your goods, break your windows and rape your daughters? How naive you are! How pathetically unsophisticated! It is karma! Essential karma! It is the universe’s payback for the individuals you slaughtered, the families you devastated, and the countries you brought to ruin and laid waste. Let me not hear from you that you lay the blame for this at the feet of your almighty Creator, when it was you who so challenged universal righteous law to the extreme.
“Before long your world will need, and it will get, its cleansing. Your moral values will re-emerge through necessity. You will roll up your sleeves and produce, rather than trade ad infinitum in useless derivatives, and you will get to hear the cries of the wounded, and the poisoned in war, who merely wanted to live their lives and care for their kind and kin.
“You are presently lost in your insane world, yes, just for now, but your time of correction is here, is at hand, and you will rehabilitate yourself, and do so proudly allowing reality, truth, honesty and sanity to return to these shores. Indeed, you have no choice.
“This is our admonition. I am an infrequent spokesperson for my group of nine, wishing you well on behalf of all.”
George: “Phe-e-ew!”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
Truth Vibrations - We Are On the Verge of Coming to Terms with its conspicuous lack in our world - this coming to terms is beyond any of our control - be prepared to admit truth at all levels or face the consequences
But today - everywhere I turn, every thought, vibe feeling - "coincidental" input from where I happen to wander on the InterWebs - keeps pointing the needle almost VIOLENTLY at the same theme:
Truth, Sincerity and the Price there is to pay for ignoring it, covering it up, or consciously broadcasting untruth into the universe by comission or omission.
Clearly we are all on the cusp of a great coming to terms - the universe and its more advanced denizens could not be more clear in their message. We are on the verge of a coming to terms.
Another video follows with this theme.
"The great enemy of clear language is insincerity" - George Orwell.
August 13, 2011
Some of the bestest simplest clearest most honest succinctess 8 minutes of truthiness I've seen in awhile
I usually avoid posting too much social commentary here - but this is just too good not to post for all 2 readers I might have
see the next post
For those of you who are crap students (of the REALITY OF THE NOW, in particular).....the Bible's got some advice for ya.......and it REALLY REALLY REALLY applies right now - so smarten the fuck up and just listen to people who know what the FUCK they are talking about and not just repeating what they heard on the Mainstream News or in Public school
August 11, 2011
11:11 Spiritual Prowess
Teacher Ophelius: “Today’s message is about spiritual prowess. What do I mean by this? Spiritual prowess is that need for having superior skill in both spiritual understanding, and spiritual wisdom. This is most important when we are trying to achieve a high calling, which is not to say we do not strive for the highest attainment, but that we are determined to make it our ‘business’ so to speak, to look for weaknesses in our personality that we may strengthen and also to recognize our talents that we may take advantage of every opportunity to become more adept to spiritual awareness in our life’s work. We also look forward to our future work that we are aspiring to see unfold in ways that will lead to the greatest service to the whole -- the alignment of our will with the Creator’s Will.
August 10, 2011
August 8, 2011
Manifestation Cliff Notes in a friendly chat format
Jill: well i was reminded to execute everything on spirit level
not human level
Jack: mmm
Jill: and it will be easier
Jack: that is something i been doing a bit
but like i totally go talk the the higher selves of my parents for example
or try to anyway
Jill: i mean even my house
shes like put ur intention out there
and leave it to spirit
Jack: yeah
stop trying so hard mentally
Jill: right
Jack: that s the faith component
the let go of control without feeling vulnerable
although when you see it work beautifully any number of times
its not really faith anymore
its knowledge
Jill: true
Jack: do you have any specific practice surrounding doing that?
Jill: no, do you?
Jack: yes
quite detailed
if you are interested I can give you my shorthand
Jill: ok
Jack: ok one is DBE
stole that from Silva
ok theres that
but the heart of it really
basic idea is just imagining picture is not enough
you want to connect that picture with feeling from your heart chakra in particular
and that "feeling" of whatever it is already manifested is really what you areaiming for
thats really the key point
so I like the DBE thing when I mix it with the above
Desire - what you want to manifest, obviously, materially or in a relationship or in your own attitudes or mental capability or whatever in socieuty etc etc etc for planet earth blah blah blah
Belief - that on spirit level you have infinte power wisdom knowledge whatever etc
Expectation - or faith that it will work - and this is also a good reminder to let it go at this point and and have faith that it will work
but really really the key is your sort of gut and heart chakra being in a place of the feeling that it is already manifested
Jill: right
Jack: and another key point is - just like negative thought cycles can go around and around
you can increase manifesting power if you instead have manifestation thought/feelings going round and round instead
so there ya go
oh yeah
and don't forget to ask your angels to give you a hand if you want
but don't be afraid to just have faith in yourself as a creator too , if you are feeling ready to
August 7, 2011
This One Gets Posted In Toto - Are you one of the Awake Ones?
WARNING: You may not like the answer to "What is Ahead," and(at the end of this post) are what some people might say about this post.
Turmoil, confusion and uncertainty is today’s norm.
Challenges so great that the greatest will be challenged–it is beyond comprehension.
Change so monstrous and swift that hardly will preparation suffice.
Who among you can enjoy it?
Only the Awake-Ones.
What is different about Awake-Ones? It is a little thing. It is merely perspective. And how comes perspective but through knowledge and understanding. And was it not designed so? Does the Universe make mistakes? Does it owe you something? Nothing is wrong or imperfect in all the Universe, nor among man.
If you are an Awake-One, you know the truth of this message. If you are not an Awake-One, it is not your time to awaken, thus your fear is your teacher, and there is none greater than fear.
This time is the greatest time in Human history to be on Earth. You are not here by accident.
Events, and the experiences they bring, are unlike any time previous.
You relished the very thought of being here, whether in ignorance or enlightenment, whether on the dark-side or the light-side, whether rich or poor, enslaved or free, in peril or peace, for this time is the great clash of opposites on the greatest battlefield of all time. And you are here to enjoy it all, whether now, or after it is accomplished.
Why are you not an Awake-One?
Why are you an Awake-One?
(The complete answer is in “The Book That Fell To Earth, which I will soon post here).
The Universe did not come about by happenstance, nor you in it.
You are not a mistake that needs correction.
Your persona that is your veil is perfect for the drama that is your life, and the dramas you create.
There is nothing wrong in all creation–it is perfect
for Intelligences seeking Enlightenment by Experience–which Intelligence you are.
The Universe (space itself and all that in it is) is a Conscious, Self-Aware, Intelligent Creator, and IT creates creators, and you are evidence of that creation, for are you not a creator in your own sphere?
What is it that ALL Conscious, Self-Aware Intelligences seek?
Whether the Universe itself or a manifestation of the Universe or a creation of that manifestation, what is it that all Intelligences seek? Is it not a simple answer?: Intelligences seek EXPERIENCES. Why experiences? What is there without them? Without experiences there is no knowledge, understanding or wisdom. And how come experiences without opposites, or opposition in all things?
Know this: You are an Intelligence seeking knowledge, understanding and wisdom by experience, and EVERYTHING that you do or that happens to you--whether hard or easy--will give you experience and will be for your good.
If you CAN enjoy all that is life, you are an Awake-One, if not, your time will come.
No one is on a wrong path. No one is doing the wrong thing. The Universe and all within is in perfect harmony.
Whatever you are doing, whether nothing (which is something) or fighting for freedom or looking to enslave, whether imploding the economy or rallying for its increase, whether complaining or thanking, whether oblivious to what is going on or knowing it all, whether mad at those who choose not to fight, or at peace with those that do fight, IT IS PERFECT FOR INTELLIGENCES SEEKING ENLIGHTENMENT BY EXPERIENCE.