April 29, 2011


SRPAGE8: "The “spiritual”, in its most generic, non-religious, non-sectarian form, may be understood as whatever “newest” dimensionality is opening up in front of us. Our adaptation is of both intellectual comprehension and physical, neurological, and sensory.

April 28, 2011


SRPAGE8: "Reason is but a shadow of wisdom;"


SRPAGE8: "Generic Self-Directed Conscious Evolution

The technique for generic, constant, self-directed expansion evolution of consciousness is simple: Begin with one’s consciousness as it is. Turn that consciousness back self-reflexively on itself in self examination and analysis. Determine the statements it enables which cannot be proven by it, the questions it can engender but cannot answer, thereby determining the limiting parameters of this modality. Recognize, contemplate and explore the new kind of consciousness (perception / comprehension / experience / dimensionality) suggested and required by these statements and questions. Employ whatever techniques are appropriate to afford direct experience of this new expanded consciousness. Develop a vocabulary adequate to describe and explain its nature. Formalize its structure and rules, refine and expand its potential: use it as an exploratory tool and a criterion of truth. Use it to gain information about the universe which cannot be gained by lesser types of awareness. Determine how the elements of the previous levels of consciousness are subsumed into the new consciousness. "


SRPAGE8: "Religion is shown to be the sublimation of the ancient master-slave relationship with the alien Anunnaki and this subservient godspell is the deepest dye in the fabric of our culture. And the godspell mentality is the greatest threat to the futant. Religion as we know it tends to codify, formalize belief systems and demand conformity and submission and generally condemns any evolution of consciousness. This Babel factoring mitigates, indeed militates, against any generic definition and understanding of what a human being is in the first place, and what the consciousness potential of the human is in the second place. But the situation is changing rapidly."

Are U a Futant?

SRPAGE8: "“There is a futant genetic caste wired for the role of evolutionary agent: one who foresees and helps fabricate the future.”
Timothy Leary, Ph.D."




Your link text here.

Two Bibles in One?

The Coming China/Russia Invasion of the United States (May 27, 2005): "My own conclusion, and I am not trying to foster my beliefs on anybody, is that you also find the tares within the Bible, that you actually find two religions in the Bible. One is the way of Jesus. If it does not jive with his way, it is not of him. No need to make excuses. There seem to be two sides in the Bible, one requires sacrifices, the other abhors sacrifices and instead wants justice to be done, speaks out especially fervently against exploitaiton of fellow humans. I found there is a distinct warning in the Bible (Jeremiah I think, if I remember correctly; it has been a while) to 'beware of the lying pen of the scribes.' The Bible also tells of the king of Babylon, of all people, financing the temple in Jerusalem and instigating sacrifices there ( book of Ezra)."

David Icke is Wrong...on this point....perhaps

Moon Matrix that is -

The Nature of DARKNESS in Duality - The Fall: "Unlike the book 'The Return of Light', which states that it was the Dark beings who created a wall, in my dream it was the Light which made the barrier around the infected planets."

- well that's a relief.


The Global Elite - What can YOU do?: "RETAKE power points in your area. Visit groves, parks, rocks, cathedrals, and known energy points in your area, and simply call upon the Divine Mother to retake that point. Call upon angles and fifth dimensional light beings to guard it and keep it free, clean and secure. Your intent is all that is needed to do this. It does not matter whether you believe in the Divine Mother with that particular name, or in Angels or other dimensional beings. What matters is your intent to retake the point of energy back for the Earth and Humanity."


The Global Elite - What can YOU do?: "Firstly, you can create a FEAR FREE ZONE around you. This means a conscious effort to process fear as soon as it pops into your body/mind/aura.

Click here for the fear processing exercise I use myself.

Also calling for your guides/angels to create a sanctuary of LOVE vibration in your home and workplace."

Ascension and DNA - Can we accelerate the process?

Ascension and DNA - Can we accelerate the process?: "And here is what I am proposing. That, like sungazing, we accelerate that change of DNA to live in that higher plane, or from that higher vibration, now. Why wait, right?

So, if we follow the sungazing model, all we need to do, is open ourselves to, and look at, the center of the galaxy, or our 'higher self', 'God/ess'. Traditionally we know that this energy comes in via the crown chakra. So we open ourselves up to it. We 'look' at it via our 3rd eye and allow it to filter down into our energy body (all the chakras and auras). It helps to visualize it as a bright light coming in and lighting us up like a light bulb. We don't really need a 'picture' of what we want the DNA to look like, because we can't presently conceive of its full potential. So the best thing is, if your mind is really active, to imagine the light settling into the space between thoughts, space between molecules and space between atoms. Go as deep as you can. Fill all those spaces with that beautiful bright light."

Fear and Anger - why it is important to process it.

Anger - why it is important to process it.: "And this is a very interesting point. Many people have asked me how to increase their perception of their guides, higher self, angels, or how to communicate with other dimensional light beings, or aliens. We have so many ways to explain this phenomenon. But the question is the same. How do we increase our perception of them, how do we make it easier for them to contact us. Well, there are two fundamental blocks that stops these beings from coming near us, one is FEAR, and the second is ANGER."

UFOs are all over the place! - Alien or government?

UFOs are all over the place! - Alien or government?: "Now, if any spaceship lands in your backyard and beautiful being come out and invite you their mothership in order to save you, make sure you ask for their Light ID. Ask them if they work for the light. If they don't answer the question, but instead give you an ultimatum or warning of things to come, then ask them politely to get off our planet. I can assure you that no light being will offer another to 'save them'. However, if they are offering to take you for a ride in their latest Model X spaceship, temptation might be too great to say NO, so ask them to come back in January 2013. If they have your best interest at heart, they will. If they tell you this is your only chance, don't forget what your mother told you about getting into stranger's cars, even if they do have alien puppies in there. Any ultimatum is fear based, and not advisable to comply with."

UFOs are all over the place! - Alien or government?

UFOs are all over the place! - Alien or government?: "How does this affect our ascension process? Well, the shift is occurring, whether we like it or not. Where we are when it culminates either next year or the year after depends very much on how much negativity we have processed before then. The main forms of negativity being fear and anger, but also encompassing victim consciousness and wanting to be saved by an external force (giving our power away)."

Intention and Community

The Bridge ~ Step 79 ~ Community

In order for humanity to reach its highest calling,

people must come together

The Universe places people in front of us who we are supposed to help. The question then becomes, how can we best do this? We're not really serving others when we allow them to become dependent on us for an indefinite period of time. Nor do we further ourselves. If we allow ourselves to become a crutch for others, we deny them the life experiences that will lead them to their own empowerment, and we deny ourselves the energy and freedom we need to do our life's work to its fullest potential.

Many people come to our community who are needy. From their point of view, life has thrown them a curve, but from where we stand, we see this as an opportunity for both of us to move forward. We know that some will fit in our circle and some will not. Those who don't fit in here will eventually find another path that suits them better. Like many Native American tribes, we always provide them with food and the tools for becoming self-reliant. We will do our best to teach them the Intention Process and how to use their thoughts and words in a way that will serve them. They will be welcomed into our Intention Circles where they can rub elbows with others like themselves who are steadily learning to manifest the things that they desire. And, if they are ready and open to receive, they, too, will begin to manifest things and become self-empowered.

Empowerment is something that we carry with us. We need not be tied to a certain place or a particular group of people in order to become a mighty manifester. Once a person lets go of the blame game and starts to feel the gratitude that accompanies the manifestation of their intentions, he or she can go anywhere and use the Intention Process. They can start an Intenders Circle at the next stop on their journey and pass on what they have learned to others who are ready for it.

A community is not defined by its physical boundaries. In fact, the strength of a community lies in its ability to spread out. Kept confined, a community will soon begin to decay. The enthusiasm for life will soon become stifled without adequate room to expand. Of course, we could have an exclusive community where we set a limit as to how many people we will allow in. But this attitude promotes the very separatism that is the cause of the quandary that humanity faces today.

These are not the times for exclusivity or for people to remain isolated from each other. We all need each other. Our Intenders Community is one where people can come, get empowered, and go on their way. We give them an Intenders Handbook for occasional reminders, the experience of the power of the Intenders Circle, and we trust that the Universe will take good care of them as they take their next step in life.

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "Once it got to that point, to that fourth stage there was just abundance"

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "God has an objective of the river that people can swim in."

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "God wants to release fervency and that fire represents that as well, fervency within His people. Clarity as well. The removing of the distractions and the things that bind our hearts is to free us so that there can be clarity to know times and seasons and what needs to be done"

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "the Revolution and in the Civil War."

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "Lord, I don’t want to be forced into the conflict in an unrighteous way, a way of the flesh.” But, the message was loud and clear to me, these men loved God and were forced to take a stand and we will be too. I was convinced of that.

In many ways in my own heart, it was very challenging and continues to be very challenging to me because I would rather continue to keep my eyes on the Lord Jesus and there is a reality to this, and to continue to proclaim the gospel and continue to see what we are seeing but our nation has always had men and women who stood up and that is why we have the nation we have.

That was made really clear to me in the encounter that they did not have luxury of not getting involved. I am still wrestling with that, honestly, in my own heart. How does that look? What are the requirements? What is this going to look like? That type of thing."

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "we will be forced, in these times, to take a stand. It will be inescapable for us"

11.New People’s Party Gaining Ground With Hearts

Take a look at Headline #11 in the previous post.

Neither it's number nor its content are a surprise to me.

We are undergoing a shift to heart centered consciousness.

Of course a new governing paradigm will require HEART.

Headlines to Look for in Our Near Future

Washington DC Shaken. Rioting and Looting Continue
1.Emergency Meetings Being held by U.S. Senate and U.S Congress
2.Governors Call for Constitutional Convention
3.Worldwide Confidence Toward U.S.A. Remains Dim
4.Dow Slops and Drops to All Time Lows. Other Markets Tumble as Well
5.Emergency Meetings of Economic Advisors Called for in Europe
6.Asian Markets Seek Stability Within Asian Region. Pull Away from U.S. Begins
7.Martial Law Declared In Nation’s Capital
8.Resignation Fever Hits D.C.
9.Finger Pointing Continues to Fuel Resignation
10.Who Will Pick up the Slack?
11.New People’s Party Gaining Ground With Hearts
12.Jobless Rate Surpasses 32%. More Layoffs Immanent
13.The Big Freeze. Government Spending Is Halted Up To 50%. That is an interesting one isn’t it?
MB-yeah because that will create riots like crazy.
TB-And there are multiple directions but it was directed towards the educational system, particularly.
14.Martial Law Declared in New York, Las Angeles and Philadelphia
15.Lights Out. Rolling Electric Outages Expected to Continue
16.Here Comes The Sun. TB- I had this stuff before I saw the other with the Father standing up, so it is interesting how these tie in.
17.Oh That I had Wings That I would Fly Away. TB-That was one of the headlines. I had to laugh about. Yeah, wouldn’t that be easy to get out of it but it is not going to be easy.
18.The Night The Lights Went out in Georgia. TB- This is specific to the state of Georgia. That is around the Atlanta area, I am convinced, not only power outages and other things. MB-Like What? TB- I believe there will be some major problems of like rioting, looting and those types of things in Atlanta itself. Disruption in that area of our nation of Atlanta Georgia.
19.The Dark Night of the Soul. Plume Cloud Covers Half The Nation
That was the last one

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "Plume Cloud Covers 50% of Nation”"

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "urope was backing away from the United States, economically because of what is going on in our nation economically."

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "TB- Nations, I am talking about China, particularly, they were pulling away from us economically, they did not want to work with us"

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "“Unemployment Surpasses 32%. More Layoffs are Eminent”. I felt like, as I saw that, that it was a hallmark. If I am not mistaken the Depression figure was somewhere in that mid 30s was the amount of unemployment during the Depression so it was dealing with a hallmark issue as it passed the 32% in our nation. I saw that one specifically."

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "I saw “Martial Law Declared in Nation’s Capital”. Also marital law was declared in New York City, in Philadelphia, Las Angles, and a number of other cities around the nation. Underneath that, “Martial Law Declared in DC”, I saw “Rioting and Looting continues in Nation’s Capital”.I have seen that there was a shaking coming to Washington DC."

Seeing Thru Another Persons Eyes in the Future

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "This has happened a number of times in my life when the Lord shows me things that other people are experiencing. What He is showing them, He lets me see it as though I am seeing it through their eyes and as though I am hearing it through their own ears."

This phenomena is also discussed by Wesselman who was interviewed on Coast to Coast this past week in his future visions of a tropical california with rain forests surrounding an inland sea that is now the central valley.

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "June 7"

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "In that experience I was shown 2 dates where we could expect this headline news. The first date was June 2011 and the last date was June 2015. So, it tied it down. It has been over a month now, experiential wise where a lot of stuff has been going on but these are the most important things that we are talking about."

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "The only safe place is near to the Lord and that is the safety of the heart not immunity to some of the events and happenings that are coming."

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "It was dramatic. I do not know what to say other than these were things I was seeing happen. The pressure on the floor of the ocean, I saw that. Things that right now can be on the floor of the ocean and survive could not survive, manmade things, particularly talking about like oil rigs, submarines, the pressure increased dramatically from the gravitational pull. The gravitational pull surrounding the earth increased so that it was enlarged that is why some of the satellites were yanked right out of the sky."

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "continued to see the affects of that was the satellites were both blinded and some of them were yanked out right out of the sky. He blinded the communications of the earth. Cell phones, all types of things, military hardware, commercial hardware, people were blinded, GPS was useless, the magnetic north itself altered which affected all forms of travel especially by sea and by land. They used to be guided by the North star but the north star will not be in the same position so it altered… It was dramatic."

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "The sun’s rising and setting was altered throughout the earth as the earth tilted and time zones changed. Weather patterns meant nothing. I am talking about hurricane seasons were so altered that hurricanes were coming at times totally out of seasons in keeping with the seasons"

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010

OpenHeaven.com - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010: "At that moment, I saw then, the sun did this weird, funny thing, I do not even know how to describe it but its affect on the earth was incredible. It was like a storm with flares and all of that and the gravitational pull of the earth increased. The magnetism of the earth increased. The tilt of the earth was altered so that time itself changed all over the earth."

Raising Frequency of Food through Gratitude

The very act of eating meat, (despite its' lowered frequency,) and transforming it to a higher frequency through consciously offering it continual blessing through intent, invites the lower frequency to change and become a high frequency energy wave as it was absorbed and becomes part of us. The importance of blessing our food both at harvest and as we eat it, is part of the frequency modulation process. Gratitude is an indestructible light filament, connecting us with The Source and strengthens the bond we share with all life.

Harboring gratitude within our heart-space and "running" the attitude continuously throughout our being is like praying without ceasing and a powerful frequency modulation technique. Whenever we find ourselves distracted from that focus through fear, worry, doubt and the like, we can simply choose to generate the gratitude from the heart-space outward and turn the frequency up. Of course, the more of us committed to this just increases the amplitude. Choose to be a blessing, let it flow!


-Ninja Nun - Avalon Forum

April 26, 2011

Don't Be Tempted by the Dark Side of the Forcec

Remember how Annikin ended up on the Dark Side?

Reader, fwd: "...a Fearless Mind in a World Filled With Fear" & "Art of Discernment: Realizing You’ve Been Manipulated":

"Finally, I urge you to be the Divine being that you really are, and forgive those pathetic, hungry shadow dwellers who have fallen so far from grace that they do not believe they can ever be redeemed.

We do not need to fight them. Indeed, we must not. Direct opposition and conflict will only strengthen the energies of polarity and feed the shadow cloud. We simply need to stand strong in our Divine Light and completely stop feeding the cloud, regardless of what criminal acts these shadowy figures commit in order to trick us into hating them.

Please stand strong, and do not hate the shadow dwellers. Hate simply feeds the darkness, no matter how justified it seems.

Eventually, the shadow cloud will implode on itself when it is sufficiently weakened due to human self-empowerment and non-compliance, leaving the shadow dwellers without a power source. Perhaps when confronted with the inevitable collapse of their dark power, they will turn back to the Divine Light that nourishes all of life."

Shadow Cloud is Shrinking so they are trying to create more

Reader, fwd: "...a Fearless Mind in a World Filled With Fear" & "Art of Discernment: Realizing You’ve Been Manipulated":

"Due to the expansion of consciousness that is occurring on this planet (and within this galaxy), the shadow cloud is smaller than it has been in thousands of years, although it is still quite large at this time. The shrinking of their “power source” scares the shadow-men to the core of their being, so in response they are doing everything in their power to sow chaos, destruction, suffering and death among the human population so that their food source can be strengthened."

Consciousness is Target of Large Traumatic Events

Reader, fwd: "...a Fearless Mind in a World Filled With Fear" & "Art of Discernment: Realizing You’ve Been Manipulated":

"Huge, traumatizing events like this serve specific purposes such as inducing: fear, a sense of helplessness, apathy, overwhelm, grief, anger, and many other low-frequency emotional states of being. In other words, these events are orchestrated for the effect that they have on human consciousness.

Consciousness is the crucial, primary area that these events target. Any worldly advantages gained in terms of political, financial or military power for any government, corporation or secret group are peripheral to the goal of adversely affecting our consciousness.

From the perspective of inducing fear-based emotional states into human beings, a “prolonged crisis” such as the release of radiation from Japan or the release of oil in the Gulf is one of the most effective tools that the “shadow side” has in its arsenal."

fine-tune our discernment mechanisms so that we can realize where we have been manipulated and deceived, thenreclaim our energy from the deceptions.

fine-tune our discernment mechanisms so that we can realize where we have been manipulated and deceived, thenreclaim our energy from the deceptions.

"...a Fearless Mind in a World Filled With Fear" & "Art of Discernment: Realizing You’ve Been Manipulated"

"...a Fearless Mind in a World Filled With Fear" & "Art of Discernment: Realizing You’ve Been Manipulated":

"As you commune with your Higher Self more and more, you will come to realize at a very deep level that you are NOT your body, nor are you only the human identity that you perceive yourself to be. Rather, you will come to KNOW from direct experience that YOU *are* that infinite, loving consciousness you have been communing with. You are an aspect of this infinite consciousness, operating within the finite environment of physical embodiment.

Our level of inner freedom and connection to our True (Higher) Self will be our best protection against harmful radiation effects. I am, of course, still taking physical precautions and I recommend that you do the same. However, physical preparedness alone cannot eliminate fears. Transcending fear is up to us to do on a case-by-case basis, in concert with our Higher Selves.

Please do not put off transcending your fears because you are too busy. You are too busy NOT to undertake this most important work."

Reader, fwd: "...a Fearless Mind in a World Filled With Fear" & "Art of Discernment: Realizing You’ve Been Manipulated"

Reader, fwd: "...a Fearless Mind in a World Filled With Fear" & "Art of Discernment: Realizing You’ve Been Manipulated": "I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."

April 24, 2011

If enough of us ask for help from the light.....


The PLAN would be to turn for HELP from the Forces of Light, realize we exist, believe we can help, and the job would be done in a flash. There are miracles awaiting, if they would but ask. That, my dear Anne and Patrick, is the answer.

Let's Just Keep Pounding on the Message

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through
Valerie Donner, April 20, 2011
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We are with you. You are not alone. It might seem as if the world around you is falling apart but we assure you that it is only the illusion of the material world that is going through its perturbation process.
Too much of what you hear in your media is negative. It affects your consciousness in disastrous ways. We recommend that you free your minds from that type of clutter as much as possible. Glean what you need to know and don’t dwell upon what you hear. In your hearts you know the truth even if you don’t realize it. Your hearts know what is real and true.
We see you coming and going looking for directions about what to do next in your lives. Sometimes it is unclear. This is a part of the ascension process. You can feel directionless like a ship without a keel. Honor this process, dear beings of Light. You are doing an excellent job during these confusing and challenging times. Stay steady on your feet and keep your spiritual stronghold in your lives. When it is time for your next steps the powerful energies now will make it clear. You will have to rely on your own good judgment along with help from others when necessary. This is about coming together to find wholeness and Light.
We shine our Light upon you. We are everywhere present in your skies. We have our fleets monitoring the earth underneath your feet. We check your atmosphere and your preparedness for our arrival. Are you ready? Is your consciousness ready to add your space family and friends into your lives? When all is ready it will happen. The Creator holds the keys to the timing of our arrival. We work constantly towards this eventuality.
Many of you are highly sensitive and are reacting to the solar activity that is most prevalent in the past couple of months. The Earth’s geomagnetic fields are going through a lot also. From our perspective we see huge accelerations with your physical bodies that are being enhanced by these energies. They are purposeful and are helpful to the Earth. Everything is working in tandem for the emergence of the Earth into the higher dimensions. The plan is complex and each of us is participating in the great unfolding.
We are working in the area of Japan along with other planetary fleets. The area is still problematic, as you know. We make suggestions telepathically to scientists who are working diligently to resolve some of the major catastrophes. There is also a lot going on in the ocean and wildlife has been moving away. They know where it is safe for them to be. We have other ways to assist also. Your energy and prayers are helpful. Healing the Earth is a joint co-operative effort.
During this time of unrest we ask that you remain true to yourselves, that you keep your minds and your hearts open. Expect to see what you have never seen before. Expect to remember what you have already known. Release your fears. Love your enemies. Beam Light into the darkness. Clear what is in the way. Expand your force field of Light so that you are infallible.
Each time you take the necessary steps to strip away the illusion in your life you are closer to your ascension. This is your ultimate goal. It is why you are on the Earth right now. Pay attention so that you are where you need to be.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

April 23, 2011

UH OH! Serious Again??? (aka Discernment is a Bitch!)


a Nuclear Holocaust resulting in wiping out half the planet. I do not say this to make you fearful. I say this because it is the reality of the course of this planet. If anyone says that this is just a message of fear, I say to those ones that you are seriously deluding yourselves and are in total denial of what is going on. I say again, if anyone thinks this is just a fearful message, I say that you are seriously deluding yourselves and are in total denial of what is going on. One does not conquer fear by being in denial of the facts. One conquers fear by being courageous and taking the appropriate action(s), whatever that might be.

So Serious , We Are. Lighten Up We Must -- Musical Interlude -- Pretty Girls Making Pretty Music

Part 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael March 30 2010

Part 1 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael March 30 2010

Mass Landings is IMMINENT NOW!! Earth Changes may require EVACUATION!!.avi

No Need to Fear

I am feeling good....

The Good Guys are already here....

No Need to Fear

No Need to Fear

2012 Mass Global Landing - Galactic Federation of Light Documented Discl...

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa January 19 2011

You Are Perfect - Be!

“Let us take a moment now together. Breathe deeply. And as you exhale, let all things that are not of perfection within your body drain from you. Let all thoughts that are not of perfection drain from you. Let all emotions come to rest, and Be . . . with your Self.

April 22, 2011

Stop Fighting!

The Nature of DARKNESS in Duality - Light Warriors

One of the mistakes which has been done over and over throughout thousands of years, has been that lightworkers have tried to "fight" the Dark. As soon as the attempt to fight and destroy the Dark is made, the lightworker automatically becomes a pawn in the game of Dark.

April 17, 2011

11:11:11 Sacred Geometry Meditation

Self Explanatory

The Cassiopaeans get taken out of the Closet and off for a "Test Drive" by Laura Knight-Jadczyk: "ariable physicality is the key.

Q: (L) What makes the physicality variable?

A: Awareness of link between consciousness and matter.

Q: (L) What is the link between consciousness and matter?

A: Illusion.

Q: (L) What is the nature of the illusion?

(T) That there isn't any connection between consciousness and matter. It is only an illusion that there is. It is part of the third density...

A: No. Illusion is that there is not.

Q: (L) The illusion is that there is no link between consciousness and matter.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) The illusion is that there is not a link. In third density...

(L) I got it!"

Playing with EM forces that breach into 4th Density Accelerates Realm Shift - Leaving exact change date impossible to determine

The Cassiopaeans get taken out of the Closet and off for a "Test Drive" by Laura Knight-Jadczyk: "

Q: (T) That may be why when we ask how long this process is going to take, this oncoming density change, they answer 'one month to 18 years.' And we were thinking that maybe they can't tell how long it is going to take for this transition point, this realm border to come through our section of space/time and do whatever it does. Maybe what they are referring to is not that, but what people might do in terms of breaching the barrier unknowingly. They are stretching what they know, and pushing onward, but they don't understand what this is all about.

A: Yes."

The Fundamental Question of Nuclear Physics

The Cassiopaeans get taken out of the Closet and off for a "Test Drive" by Laura Knight-Jadczyk:

"A: Now, what is missing factor which allows third density and fourth density matter to achieve light speed without disintegration? Think...

Q: (RS) That is the fundamental question of nuclear physics... matter cannot reach the speed of light intact..."

April 3, 2011

Sinful vs. Non-Sinful Sensual Pleasure

Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

A: Possession is the key. In STS, you possess. If you move through the beautiful flowers, the silk, the skin of another, but do not seek to possess...

Get a clue dude! - Organized Religion / Churches Not Necessary if One Has a "Clue"

Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk


Q: So, was there any kind of worship of God, or religious activity in this pre-Fall state; this Edenic, 4th density state?

A: No need when one has a clue.



Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk


A: Snake is/was reported in context of the viewpoint of the observer. Maybe the observer was just "blown away" by the experience. If you were living in the desert, or jungle, about 7,000 years ago, as you measure time, would you not be impressed if these Reptoid "dudes" came down from the heavens in silvery objects and demonstrated techno-wonders from thousands of years in the future, and taught you calculus, geometry and astrophysics to boot?!?

Q: Is that, in fact, what happened?

A: Yup.


ATTENTION FUNDAMENTALISTS! - THE NEPHILIM ARE COMING! - you will freak out then ask us what to do - just sayin'

Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk


Q: (L) So the 36 million Nephilim will be against all on the planet when the time comes? Their arrival will wake everybody up?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) And those who have the knowledge and can dispense it to others ... well... they may suddenly be heard...

A: Yes.


How to Destroy Lizzies - Knowledge

Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk


Q: (L) If water destroyed the witch, and the witch represents the Lizzies, can we destroy the Lizzies?

A: Knowledge.


Why We (Wanderers?) Are Here

Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Q: (L) So, we are here to set up a frequency so that others may join with us... IF they choose... Just out of curiosity, who do the munchkins represent?

Beware False Prophets in the Desert

Multi-Dimensional Soul Essences by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

: Remember warnings about false prophets in the "desert."

The Misinterpretation of Love as it regards to acheiving Illumination and the right way to look at it

Transient Passengers by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

A: The problem is not the term "love," the problem is the interpretation of the term. Those on third density have a tendency to confuse the issue horribly. After all, they confuse many things as love. When the actual definition of love as you know it is not correct either. It is not necessarily a feeling that one has that can also be interpreted as an emotion, but rather, as we have told you before, the essence of light which is knowledge is love, and this has been corrupted when it is said that love leads to illumination. Love is Light is Knowledge. Love makes no sense when common definitions are used as they are in your environment. To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.

Love vs. Knowledge - and the Role of Emotions in 3rd Density Experience

Transient Passengers by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Q: (L) So, you are saying that the path to illumination is knowledge and not love? A: That is correct.
Q: (L) Is it also correct that emotion can be used to mislead, that is emotions that are twisted and generated strictly from the flesh or false programming?
A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density

How to Become Illumined - Recognize that it is All Illusion

Transient Passengers by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Q: (L) What is it that limits our awareness?
A: Your environment. And it is the environment that you have chosen. By your level of progress. And that is what limits everything. As you rise to higher levels of density, limitations are removed.
Q: (L) What creates this environment of limitation?
A: It is the grand illusion which is there for the purpose of learning.
Q: (L) And who put the illusion into place?
A: The Creator who is also the Created. Which is also you and us and all. As we have told you, we are you and vice versa. And so is everything else.
Q: (L) Is the key that it is all illusion?
A: Basically, yes. As we have told you before, if you will be patient just a moment, the universe is merely a school. And, a school is there for all to learn. That is why everything exists. There is no other reason. Now, if only you understood the true depth of that statement, you would begin to start to see, and experience for yourself, all the levels of density that it is possible to experience, all the dimensions that it is possible to experience, all awareness. When an individual understands that statement to its greatest possible depth, that individual becomes illumined.

the greatest service

Transient Passengers by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

So, just because you are unable to see and understand has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on what is or is not possible. Except within your own level of density. And this is what almost no one on your current level of density is able to understand. If you can understand it and convey it to them, you will be performing the greatest service that your kind has ever seen.

Distance as We Understand it in 3rd Density Evaporates at Higher State of Awareness

Transient Passengers by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
And, when they evaporate, vast distances, as you perceive them, become non-existent.

Physical Limitations Evaporate with a Higher State of Awareness

Transient Passengers by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
. So, once you rise to a higher state of awareness, such things as physical limitation evaporate.

"awareness is the key element to all existence" - The Cassioepeans

Transient Passengers by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
You see, state of awareness is the key element to all existence in creation.

SurfingTime-WAVES - WOW! - The Ultimate Surfing!

Multi-Dimensional Soul Essences by Laura Knight-Jadczyk


A: Each represents locator in space time. You can judge speed and ETA by cross referencing distance with publishing dates and these messages from us.

Q: (L) I got it! You mean that YOU are the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and now you are the "Cassiopaeans" because you "are where you are"! And you are riding the wave. Is this wave a straight line connecting all these constellations?

A: Circuitous or cyclical route.

Q: (L) So, is it like a spiral?


Hypnosis 101

Multi-Dimensional Soul Essences by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

After the induction I did what I normally do in such cases, which was to direct the subject to mentally create a "sanctuary" from which to work. This is a guided imagery exercise in which many things about the individual can be learned by the ways in which they describe their "private retreat" from the world. The general procedure is to find some aspect of the "sanctuary" that can be used as a "bridge" to the regression part of the session. For example, if there is a mirror on the wall, it can be used as a "viewing screen" to other times and places. If there is no mirror, but there is a window to the outside, that can be used. The available furniture is utilized for further relaxing the subject as he/she is instructed to get comfortable on the sofa/bed/chair that may be described, and the trance is deepened from that position. It's a particularly useful technique - sort of like hypnosis within hypnosis - because it gives deeper access to the subconscious mind while maintaining the "safety zone" for the comfort of the subject.

We Need to Be Prepared (thru study) to Positively Experience What is Coming - by changing our "assumptions"/awareness by gaining spiritual knowledge

STUDY STUDY STUDY if you want to get your golden ticket to 4th density earth - otherwise you get stuck with all these schlubs down here on 3rd density again - and you start from the beginning and don't get another chance for 309,000 years.  Think about it - how many more times do you really want to go through puberty?

Riding the Wave by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Q: (L) Okay, is this wave that is coming our direction going to give us an experience that is going to change our assumptions?
A: Catch 22: One half is that you have to change your assumptions in order to experience the wave in a positive way.

If You Believe too Strongly Prophecies "revealed" by Negative Service to Self Entities - You May be Contributing to their Fulfillment

All we need to do is look at the actions of satanically deceived (by 'prophecy')  fundamentalist Christians and Muslims and the WWIII scenario this is enabling to see the truth in this idea.

Prophecies of the future are only a possibility/probability forecasts that can be affected by our individual and mass feelings/beliefs/actions.

TPTP know this and cause certain "key" events to occur in order to harness the power of the mass consciousness in order guide the "future" to a place of their choosing.

Riding the Wave by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
"The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily. You never know what twists and turns will follow, and they are aware of prophetic and philosophical patternings and usually shift course to fool and discourage those who believe in fixed futures."

3rd Level Thinking About to become Obsolete

Riding the Wave by Laura Knight-Jadczyk


Q: (L) Does any of this mean that the earth changes that have been predicted, may not, in fact, occur in physical reality as we understand it?

A: You betcha.

Q: (L) Does this mean that all of this running around and hopping and jumping to go here and go there and do this and do that is...

A: That is strictly 3rd level thinking.


Realm Border with Wave + Comets - Effects on Planet Mitigated

Riding the Wave by Laura Knight-Jadczyk


Q: (L) Okay, so the cluster of comets is riding the realm border wave. Does this mean that when it comes into the solar system, that its effect on the solar system, or the planets within the solar system, or us, may or may not be mitigated by the fact of this transition? Is this a mitigating factor?

A: Will be mitigated.


Want to Make 'Contact' - Don't Command, Just Ask

The Wave (Series) by Laura Knight Jadczyk

Q: (L) What quality in us, what thing, enabled us to make contact.
Because, obviously a lot of people try and get garbage.

A: You asked.

Q: (L) A lot of people ask!

A: No they don't, they command.

Q: (L) Well, a lot of people do ask or beg or plead, but they get
all discombobulated with the answers.

A: No, they command. Think about it. You did not beg or plead...
that is commanding.