In the spirit of service to others this blog aims to shed light on valuable spiritual resources that we will all require as we pass into and thru the personal, global, and universal spiritual opportunity represented by 2012 - Rather than Tracking 2012 by its disasters, Instead I shall endeavor to track it by our spiritual progress
April 29, 2011
April 28, 2011
The technique for generic, constant, self-directed expansion evolution of consciousness is simple: Begin with one’s consciousness as it is. Turn that consciousness back self-reflexively on itself in self examination and analysis. Determine the statements it enables which cannot be proven by it, the questions it can engender but cannot answer, thereby determining the limiting parameters of this modality. Recognize, contemplate and explore the new kind of consciousness (perception / comprehension / experience / dimensionality) suggested and required by these statements and questions. Employ whatever techniques are appropriate to afford direct experience of this new expanded consciousness. Develop a vocabulary adequate to describe and explain its nature. Formalize its structure and rules, refine and expand its potential: use it as an exploratory tool and a criterion of truth. Use it to gain information about the universe which cannot be gained by lesser types of awareness. Determine how the elements of the previous levels of consciousness are subsumed into the new consciousness. "
Are U a Futant?
Timothy Leary, Ph.D."
Two Bibles in One?
David Icke is Wrong...on this point....perhaps
Click here for the fear processing exercise I use myself.
Also calling for your guides/angels to create a sanctuary of LOVE vibration in your home and workplace."
Ascension and DNA - Can we accelerate the process?
So, if we follow the sungazing model, all we need to do, is open ourselves to, and look at, the center of the galaxy, or our 'higher self', 'God/ess'. Traditionally we know that this energy comes in via the crown chakra. So we open ourselves up to it. We 'look' at it via our 3rd eye and allow it to filter down into our energy body (all the chakras and auras). It helps to visualize it as a bright light coming in and lighting us up like a light bulb. We don't really need a 'picture' of what we want the DNA to look like, because we can't presently conceive of its full potential. So the best thing is, if your mind is really active, to imagine the light settling into the space between thoughts, space between molecules and space between atoms. Go as deep as you can. Fill all those spaces with that beautiful bright light."
Fear and Anger - why it is important to process it.
UFOs are all over the place! - Alien or government?
UFOs are all over the place! - Alien or government? - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010
In many ways in my own heart, it was very challenging and continues to be very challenging to me because I would rather continue to keep my eyes on the Lord Jesus and there is a reality to this, and to continue to proclaim the gospel and continue to see what we are seeing but our nation has always had men and women who stood up and that is why we have the nation we have.
That was made really clear to me in the encounter that they did not have luxury of not getting involved. I am still wrestling with that, honestly, in my own heart. How does that look? What are the requirements? What is this going to look like? That type of thing." - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010
11.New People’s Party Gaining Ground With Hearts
Take a look at Headline #11 in the previous post.
Neither it's number nor its content are a surprise to me.
We are undergoing a shift to heart centered consciousness.
Of course a new governing paradigm will require HEART. - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010
Seeing Thru Another Persons Eyes in the Future - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010 - Terry Bennett w/ Mike Bickle - Word given August 2010
April 26, 2011
Don't Be Tempted by the Dark Side of the Forcec
We do not need to fight them. Indeed, we must not. Direct opposition and conflict will only strengthen the energies of polarity and feed the shadow cloud. We simply need to stand strong in our Divine Light and completely stop feeding the cloud, regardless of what criminal acts these shadowy figures commit in order to trick us into hating them.
Please stand strong, and do not hate the shadow dwellers. Hate simply feeds the darkness, no matter how justified it seems.
Eventually, the shadow cloud will implode on itself when it is sufficiently weakened due to human self-empowerment and non-compliance, leaving the shadow dwellers without a power source. Perhaps when confronted with the inevitable collapse of their dark power, they will turn back to the Divine Light that nourishes all of life."
Shadow Cloud is Shrinking so they are trying to create more
Consciousness is Target of Large Traumatic Events
Consciousness is the crucial, primary area that these events target. Any worldly advantages gained in terms of political, financial or military power for any government, corporation or secret group are peripheral to the goal of adversely affecting our consciousness.
From the perspective of inducing fear-based emotional states into human beings, a “prolonged crisis” such as the release of radiation from Japan or the release of oil in the Gulf is one of the most effective tools that the “shadow side” has in its arsenal."
"...a Fearless Mind in a World Filled With Fear" & "Art of Discernment: Realizing You’ve Been Manipulated"
Our level of inner freedom and connection to our True (Higher) Self will be our best protection against harmful radiation effects. I am, of course, still taking physical precautions and I recommend that you do the same. However, physical preparedness alone cannot eliminate fears. Transcending fear is up to us to do on a case-by-case basis, in concert with our Higher Selves.
Please do not put off transcending your fears because you are too busy. You are too busy NOT to undertake this most important work."
Reader, fwd: "...a Fearless Mind in a World Filled With Fear" & "Art of Discernment: Realizing You’ve Been Manipulated"
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."
April 24, 2011
If enough of us ask for help from the light.....
The PLAN would be to turn for HELP from the Forces of Light, realize we exist, believe we can help, and the job would be done in a flash. There are miracles awaiting, if they would but ask. That, my dear Anne and Patrick, is the answer.
Let's Just Keep Pounding on the Message
Valerie Donner, April 20, 2011
April 23, 2011
UH OH! Serious Again??? (aka Discernment is a Bitch!)
a Nuclear Holocaust resulting in wiping out half the planet. I do not say this to make you fearful. I say this because it is the reality of the course of this planet. If anyone says that this is just a message of fear, I say to those ones that you are seriously deluding yourselves and are in total denial of what is going on. I say again, if anyone thinks this is just a fearful message, I say that you are seriously deluding yourselves and are in total denial of what is going on. One does not conquer fear by being in denial of the facts. One conquers fear by being courageous and taking the appropriate action(s), whatever that might be.
No Need to Fear
The Good Guys are already here....
No Need to Fear
No Need to Fear
You Are Perfect - Be!
April 22, 2011
Stop Fighting!
The Nature of DARKNESS in Duality - Light Warriors
One of the mistakes which has been done over and over throughout thousands of years, has been that lightworkers have tried to "fight" the Dark. As soon as the attempt to fight and destroy the Dark is made, the lightworker automatically becomes a pawn in the game of Dark.
April 17, 2011
Self Explanatory
Q: (L) What makes the physicality variable?
A: Awareness of link between consciousness and matter.
Q: (L) What is the link between consciousness and matter?
A: Illusion.
Q: (L) What is the nature of the illusion?
(T) That there isn't any connection between consciousness and matter. It is only an illusion that there is. It is part of the third density...
A: No. Illusion is that there is not.
Q: (L) The illusion is that there is no link between consciousness and matter.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) The illusion is that there is not a link. In third density...
(L) I got it!"
Playing with EM forces that breach into 4th Density Accelerates Realm Shift - Leaving exact change date impossible to determine
A: Yes."
The Fundamental Question of Nuclear Physics
Q: (RS) That is the fundamental question of nuclear physics... matter cannot reach the speed of light intact..."
April 14, 2011
April 13, 2011
April 12, 2011
April 9, 2011
April 3, 2011
Sinful vs. Non-Sinful Sensual Pleasure
Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
A: Possession is the key. In STS, you possess. If you move through the beautiful flowers, the silk, the skin of another, but do not seek to possess...
Get a clue dude! - Organized Religion / Churches Not Necessary if One Has a "Clue"
Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Q: So, was there any kind of worship of God, or religious activity in this pre-Fall state; this Edenic, 4th density state?
A: No need when one has a clue.
Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
A: Snake is/was reported in context of the viewpoint of the observer. Maybe the observer was just "blown away" by the experience. If you were living in the desert, or jungle, about 7,000 years ago, as you measure time, would you not be impressed if these Reptoid "dudes" came down from the heavens in silvery objects and demonstrated techno-wonders from thousands of years in the future, and taught you calculus, geometry and astrophysics to boot?!?
Q: Is that, in fact, what happened?
A: Yup.
ATTENTION FUNDAMENTALISTS! - THE NEPHILIM ARE COMING! - you will freak out then ask us what to do - just sayin'
Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Q: (L) So the 36 million Nephilim will be against all on the planet when the time comes? Their arrival will wake everybody up?
A: Of course.
Q: (L) And those who have the knowledge and can dispense it to others ... well... they may suddenly be heard...
A: Yes.
How to Destroy Lizzies - Knowledge
Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Q: (L) If water destroyed the witch, and the witch represents the Lizzies, can we destroy the Lizzies?
A: Knowledge.
Why We (Wanderers?) Are Here
Dorothy and The Frog Prince Meet Flight 19 in Oz by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Q: (L) So, we are here to set up a frequency so that others may join with us... IF they choose... Just out of curiosity, who do the munchkins represent?
Beware False Prophets in the Desert
Multi-Dimensional Soul Essences by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
: Remember warnings about false prophets in the "desert."
The Misinterpretation of Love as it regards to acheiving Illumination and the right way to look at it
Transient Passengers by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
A: The problem is not the term "love," the problem is the interpretation of the term. Those on third density have a tendency to confuse the issue horribly. After all, they confuse many things as love. When the actual definition of love as you know it is not correct either. It is not necessarily a feeling that one has that can also be interpreted as an emotion, but rather, as we have told you before, the essence of light which is knowledge is love, and this has been corrupted when it is said that love leads to illumination. Love is Light is Knowledge. Love makes no sense when common definitions are used as they are in your environment. To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.
Love vs. Knowledge - and the Role of Emotions in 3rd Density Experience
Transient Passengers by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Q: (L) So, you are saying that the path to illumination is knowledge and not love? A: That is correct.
Q: (L) Is it also correct that emotion can be used to mislead, that is emotions that are twisted and generated strictly from the flesh or false programming?
A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density
How to Become Illumined - Recognize that it is All Illusion
Q: (L) What is it that limits our awareness?
A: Your environment. And it is the environment that you have chosen. By your level of progress. And that is what limits everything. As you rise to higher levels of density, limitations are removed.
Q: (L) What creates this environment of limitation?
A: It is the grand illusion which is there for the purpose of learning.
Q: (L) And who put the illusion into place?
A: The Creator who is also the Created. Which is also you and us and all. As we have told you, we are you and vice versa. And so is everything else.
Q: (L) Is the key that it is all illusion?
A: Basically, yes. As we have told you before, if you will be patient just a moment, the universe is merely a school. And, a school is there for all to learn. That is why everything exists. There is no other reason. Now, if only you understood the true depth of that statement, you would begin to start to see, and experience for yourself, all the levels of density that it is possible to experience, all the dimensions that it is possible to experience, all awareness. When an individual understands that statement to its greatest possible depth, that individual becomes illumined.
the greatest service
Transient Passengers by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
So, just because you are unable to see and understand has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on what is or is not possible. Except within your own level of density. And this is what almost no one on your current level of density is able to understand. If you can understand it and convey it to them, you will be performing the greatest service that your kind has ever seen.
Distance as We Understand it in 3rd Density Evaporates at Higher State of Awareness
And, when they evaporate, vast distances, as you perceive them, become non-existent.
Physical Limitations Evaporate with a Higher State of Awareness
. So, once you rise to a higher state of awareness, such things as physical limitation evaporate.
"awareness is the key element to all existence" - The Cassioepeans
You see, state of awareness is the key element to all existence in creation.
SurfingTime-WAVES - WOW! - The Ultimate Surfing!
Multi-Dimensional Soul Essences by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
A: Each represents locator in space time. You can judge speed and ETA by cross referencing distance with publishing dates and these messages from us.
Q: (L) I got it! You mean that YOU are the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and now you are the "Cassiopaeans" because you "are where you are"! And you are riding the wave. Is this wave a straight line connecting all these constellations?
A: Circuitous or cyclical route.
Q: (L) So, is it like a spiral?
Hypnosis 101
Multi-Dimensional Soul Essences by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
After the induction I did what I normally do in such cases, which was to direct the subject to mentally create a "sanctuary" from which to work. This is a guided imagery exercise in which many things about the individual can be learned by the ways in which they describe their "private retreat" from the world. The general procedure is to find some aspect of the "sanctuary" that can be used as a "bridge" to the regression part of the session. For example, if there is a mirror on the wall, it can be used as a "viewing screen" to other times and places. If there is no mirror, but there is a window to the outside, that can be used. The available furniture is utilized for further relaxing the subject as he/she is instructed to get comfortable on the sofa/bed/chair that may be described, and the trance is deepened from that position. It's a particularly useful technique - sort of like hypnosis within hypnosis - because it gives deeper access to the subconscious mind while maintaining the "safety zone" for the comfort of the subject.
We Need to Be Prepared (thru study) to Positively Experience What is Coming - by changing our "assumptions"/awareness by gaining spiritual knowledge
Riding the Wave by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Q: (L) Okay, is this wave that is coming our direction going to give us an experience that is going to change our assumptions?
A: Catch 22: One half is that you have to change your assumptions in order to experience the wave in a positive way.
If You Believe too Strongly Prophecies "revealed" by Negative Service to Self Entities - You May be Contributing to their Fulfillment
Prophecies of the future are only a possibility/probability forecasts that can be affected by our individual and mass feelings/beliefs/actions.
TPTP know this and cause certain "key" events to occur in order to harness the power of the mass consciousness in order guide the "future" to a place of their choosing.
Riding the Wave by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
"The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily. You never know what twists and turns will follow, and they are aware of prophetic and philosophical patternings and usually shift course to fool and discourage those who believe in fixed futures."
3rd Level Thinking About to become Obsolete
Riding the Wave by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Q: (L) Does any of this mean that the earth changes that have been predicted, may not, in fact, occur in physical reality as we understand it?
A: You betcha.
Q: (L) Does this mean that all of this running around and hopping and jumping to go here and go there and do this and do that is...
A: That is strictly 3rd level thinking.
Realm Border with Wave + Comets - Effects on Planet Mitigated
Riding the Wave by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Q: (L) Okay, so the cluster of comets is riding the realm border wave. Does this mean that when it comes into the solar system, that its effect on the solar system, or the planets within the solar system, or us, may or may not be mitigated by the fact of this transition? Is this a mitigating factor?
A: Will be mitigated.
Want to Make 'Contact' - Don't Command, Just Ask
The Wave (Series) by Laura Knight Jadczyk
Q: (L) What quality in us, what thing, enabled us to make contact.
Because, obviously a lot of people try and get garbage.
A: You asked.
Q: (L) A lot of people ask!
A: No they don't, they command.
Q: (L) Well, a lot of people do ask or beg or plead, but they get
all discombobulated with the answers.
A: No, they command. Think about it. You did not beg or plead...
that is commanding.